Why choose this programme option?

The programme option Political Communication: Nordic perspectives focuses on the interplay between politicians, citizens and the media, providing knowledge about key theories and findings in the research field of political communication as it relates to the Nordic region.

Political Communication: Nordic perspectives is an intensive, two-year exploration of issues in political communication in this particular region.

New phenomena

The field of political communication has enjoyed rapid growth through the last decades. The rise of new media and new technologies have changed the way we communicate and altered the public sphere in many ways.

Nordic case

Nordic countries are known to have one of the most advanced democracy models in the world, also known as the Nordic model, due to high level of political engagement and voter turnout, freedom of expression and media freedom. For example, Norwegian media still enjoy a great deal of economic support provided by the government. In addition, Nordic countries have the highest percentage of population using advanced new media technologies. All this makes the Nordic region an interesting case for studies related to political communication.
How does this situation influence the power relations in the modern society? Do politicians need media to reach people? How shall we know what is the “truth”? Can we vote with “likes” on Facebook? These and many other questions will be addressed during the programme.

Research-based teaching

The program is tied to the POLKOM research group at the Department of Media and Communication, which runs POLKOM - Centre for the Study of Political Communication. The teaching will be research based with an emphasis on the latest findings in the field. A combination of lectures, seminars, workshops, and study trips will be offered, and the students will write a master thesis (60 credits). The courses will include guest lecturers who are actively involved in shaping the political agenda in the Nordic countries.

What will you learn?

This programme option gives you an advanced knowledge of political communication within the Nordic context and makes you eligible for media related professions in Norway and abroad. Nonetheless, the general methods and techniques acquired through the programme, will prove useful in most of professions in public, private and non-governmental sector.

Published Apr. 26, 2018 3:42 PM - Last modified Jan. 31, 2019 12:00 PM