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Learning outcomes

After graduating from the Space Physics and Technology programme option you will be eminently knowledgeable on plasma physics, space weather and how to measure relevant plasma parameters.

Through your semesters as a student here, you will understand the theory of the dynamic behaviour of plasma, and gain a deep understanding of magnetized planet atmospheres and energy transport in the sun-earth system. This includes knowledge about physical phenomena in the magnetized part of the earth's surroundings that affect technological systems in space and on the ground. You will gain insight into the radiation environment in the near space and the earth's atmosphere and learn about different measuring methods for plasma parameters, and about developing electronics for measurement purposes. Furthermore you will gain experience in usage of advanced signal analysis methods, computational simulations and in how to develop instruments and electronics for space missions.

As a student here you will actively participate in research done in collaboration with other departments. Through your work you will learn fundamental work methods in science, you will learn to work independently with a large project (your thesis), and you will gain experience in writing a clear, structured and critical written presentation.

See also learning outcomes for all the programme options.

Published May 23, 2017 12:52 PM - Last modified Aug. 28, 2023 1:36 PM