
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
22.05.2008? ? Problem set 15? Last problem class this semester?
16.05.2008? ? Larmor's radiation formula? Last lecture this semester?
15.05.2008? ? Problem set 14? ?
14.05.2008? ? Electric dipole radiation? ?
09.05.2008? ? Electromagnetic radiation? ?
08.05.2008? ? Problem set 13? ?
07.05.2008? ? Magnetostatics; multipole expansion? ?
02.05.2008? ? Electrostatic solutions, multipole expansion.? ?
30.04.2008? ? Polarization? ?
25.04.2008? ? No lecture? ?
24.04.2008? ? Problem set 12? ?
23.04.2008? ? Lorentz transformations of the electromagnetic field? ?
12.04.2008? ? Maxwell's equations in covariant form? ?
17.04.2008? ? Problem set 11? ?
16.04.2008? ? Electrodynamics: Maxwell's equations? ?
11.04.2008? ? No teaching? Deadline for returning solutions of the midterm exam. To be returned to ekspedisjonskontoret in the Physics building before closing time.?
10.04.2008? ? No teaching? ?
09.04.2008? ? No teaching? ?
04.04.2008? ? Relativistic dynamics: Newton's second law? Midterm exam: Problem set available?
03.04.2008? ? Problem set 10? ?
02.04.2008? ? No lecture? ?
28.03.2008? ? Relativistic collisions: conservation of 4-momentum? ?
27.03.2008? ? Problem set 9? ?
26.03.2008? ? Relativistic energy and momentum? ?
14.03.2008? ? The twin paradox? ?
13.03.2008? ? Problem set 8? ?
12.03.2008? ? Accelerated motion? ?
07.03.2008? ? Relativistic kinematics? ?
06.03.2008? ? Tensors and tensor fields? Lecture instead of Exercises. Solutions to Problem set 7 will be put on the course page.?
05.03.2008? ? No teaching? ?
29.02.2008? ? Relativistic tensors? ?
28.02.2008? ? Problem set 6? ?
27.02.2008? ? 4-vector formalism? ?
22.02.2008? ? Length contraction and time dilatation? ?
21.02.2008? ? Problem set 5? ?
20.02.2008? ? Special relativity: Lorentz transformations and Minkowski diagrams? ?
15.02.2008? ? Hamilton's principle and variational calculus? ?
14.02.2008? ? Problem set 4? ?
13.02.2008? ? Application of Hamilton's equations? ?
08.02.2008? ? Hamilton's equations? ?
07.02.2008? ? Problem set 3? ?
06.02.2008? ? Charged particle in electromagnetic field? ?
01.02.2008? ? Velocity dependent potentials? ?
31.01.2008? ? Problem set 2? ?
30.01.2008? ? Cyclic coordinates and conserved quantities? ?
25.01.2008? ? D'Alembert's principle and Lagrange's equations? ?
24.01.2008Per ?yvind Sollid? ? Problem set 1? Discussing solutions?
23.01.2008? ? The principle of virtual work and equilibrium conditions? ?
18.01.2008? ? The configuration space and virtual displacements? ?
17.01.2008? ? No teaching? ?
16.01.2008Jon Magne Leinaas? Auditorium 467?? Introduction to analytical mechanics. Constraints and generalized coordinates.? ?
Published Jan. 11, 2008 2:21 PM - Last modified May 16, 2008 10:56 AM