Teaching plan

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
19.08.2013 Morten Hjorth-Jensen (MHJ)  Lille Fysiske Auditorium (LFA)  Introduction to Computational Physics and FYS3150/4150. Basic programming elements in C/C++ and discussion of numerical precision  Literature: Lecture notes chapters 1 and 2.
20.08.2013 MHJ  LFA  Numerical precision and basic programming elements of C/C++   
22-23.08.2013 MHJ, Haavard Tveit Ihle (HTI)  and Morten Ledum (ML). Computerlab, room FV329, Dept of Physics  Getting aquainted with the computer lab and basic programming  Presentation of hardware and software in the computerlab. Programming exercises 2.1, 2.2 and 3.1(see chapters 2 and 3 of lecture notes), see under exercises. There is no need to hand in any of the exercises the first two weeks. Project 1 is presented September 3, with hand in September 17. You can write your program in Fortran, C/C++ or Python. But we recommend you to start learning C/C++ or Fortran95. 
26.08.2013 MHJ  LFA  C/C++ programming, numerical precision, numerical derivation, error analysis and matrix handling  Lecture notes chapters 2 and 3. 
27.08.2013 MHJ LFA  Numerical derivation, error analysis and dynamic memory allocation. Introduction to linear Algebra  Lecture notes chapter 3 and 6. We will also discuss parts of project 1 and Gaussian elimination if time allows. 
29-30.08.2013 HTI, Ml and MHJ FV329  Exercise 3.1 and eventually project 1.  Exercise 3.1 can be found in chapter 3 of the lecture notes. If you wish to, you can start with project 1 as well. The project will be available from Tuesday 27. The relevant text is in chapter 6.4 of the lecture notes. 
02.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Linear Algebra, dynamic memory allocation  Lecture notes chapter 6. The methods we discuss are LU decomposition, Cholesky decomposition, solution of linear equations, inverse and determinant of a matrix and tridiagonal linear equations. 
03.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Linear Algebra, continues.  Lecture notes chapter 6. 
05-6.09.2013 HTI, ML and MHJ FV329  Solution of Project 1  The pdf file is available under projects. The library files needed can be found under the fortran or C/C++ libraries under programs. These files contain several methods. For this project you need the methods for LU decomposition and the solution of linear equations. For those of you who want to use armadillo, there are corresponding examples and library files.
09.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Linear algebra and cubic splines  We end chapter 6 on linear algebra discussing the LU decomposition and the spline method which is an efficient way of interpolating in data sets. The interpolation is based on a triangular linear equation.  
10.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Eigenvalue problems  We start with Jacobi's method to solve eigenvalue problems. Chapter 7 of lecture notes. Project 2 is also presented. 
12-13.09.2013 HTI, ML and MHJ FV329  Project 2   
16.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Eigenvalue problems  We continue with the discussion of Jacobi's method and continue also our discussion of project 2. 
17.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Eigenvalue problems We discuss also Householder's and Givens' methods for solving eigenvalue problems. All material is covered by chapter 7. Lanczos' iterative algorithm will also be discussed.
19-20.09.2013 HTI, ML and MHJ FV329  Project 2   
23.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Numerical integration  We will start with numerical integration, with a repetition of the Trapezoidal rule, the Rectangular rule and Simpson's rule. Chapter 4 of lecture notes. 
24.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Numerical integration and parallelization  Gaussian quadrature and parallelization. All material in chapter 4. 
26-27.09.2013 HTI, ML and MHJ FV329  Project 2   
30.09.2013 MHJ  LFA  Monte Carlo methods  We start with Monte Carlo integration of multidimensional integrals, all material covered by chapter 11. We need to define several concepts; such as random numbers, probability distributions and stochastical variables. Project 3 is also presented. 
01.10.2013 MHJ  LFA  Monte Carlo methods  Random numbers and probability distributions, chapter 11 of lecture notes. 
03-4.10.2013 HTI, ML and MHJ FV329  Project 2   
07.10.2013 MHJ LFA    
08.10.2013 MHJ LFA  Monte Carlo integration  We discuss importance sampling and integration by Monte Carlo methods of multi-dimensional integrals. Material covered by chapter 11. Project 3 will also be discussed. 
10-11.10.2013 HTI, ML and MHJ FV329  Project 3   
14.10.2013 MHJ  LFA  Markov chains and random walks  We continue the discussion of importance sampling and integration by Monte Carlo methods of multi-dimensional integrals. Material covered by chapter 11. Project 3 will also be discussed. We then move into a discussion of random numbers and errors in Monte Carlo calculations, discussing a topic like the covariance and the variance.

This week (on Wednesday) we will also start the discussion of Markov chains and random walks. We make the link between the diffusion equation and Markov chains and how to interpret the process towards equilibrium. Chapter 12 of lecture notes. 

15.10.2013 MHJ  LFA  Random walks and Brownian motopn  This material is covered by chapter 12 of the lecture notes. 
17-18.10.2013 HTI, ML and MHJ FV329  Project 3   
21.10.2013 MHJ  LFA  Brownian motion and Markov chains  We discuss how Markov chains and Monte Carlo methods related to this. We need also to finish the discussion on Random number generators from last week. The material is covered by chapters 11.3 (RNG) and 12.2 and 12.3 (Markov chains). 
22.10.2013 MHJ  LFA  Brownian motion and Markov chains  We continue the discussion of Markov chains and derive the Metropolis algorithm. 
24-25.10.2013 HTI and ML FV329  Project 3   
28.10.2013 MHJ  LFA  Metropolis algorithm and Statistical physics  We link the discussion of the Metropolis algorithm to simulations of phase transitions in physics and chemistry. Chapters 12.5 and 13. 
29.10.2013 MHJ  LFA  Statistical physics  We continue our discussion of simulation of phase transitions in statistical physics 
31.10.2013 HTI, ML and MHJ FV329  Project 4   
04.11.2013 MHJ  LFA  Conclusion of the Monte Carlo discussion and begin ordinary differential equations  Chapter 8 of lecture notes, repetition of Euler's method and fourth-order Runge-Kutta. Adaptive step-size algorithms and distinction between stiff and non-stiff equations.

We conclude our discussion of Monte Carlo methods with examples from variational quantum mechanics as well and a small discussion of project 4. 

05.11.2013 MHJ  LFA  Ordinary differential equations and Partial differential equations  For the ordinary differential equations the material is covered by chapters 8 and 9. Chapters 10.1 and 10.2 cover the diffusion equation.  
07-08.11.2013 HTI, ML and MHJ FV329  Project 4   
11.11.2013 MHJ  LFA  Partial differential equations  Chapters 10.1 and 10.2, emphasis on the diffusion equation.  
12.11.2013 MHJ  LFA  Partial differential equations  We continue the discussion of the diffusion equation from chapters 10.2 and 10.3. We present also the last project. This project will be weighted by 50% for the final mark. There will be three different projects and these will be discussed during the last weeks of the semester.

During this specific lecture, the emphasis will be on the diffusion project.  

14-15.11.2013 HTI, ML and MHJ FV329  Project 5   
18.11.2013 MHJ  LFA  Partial differential equations and project discussion  Chapter 10.4, how to use iterative methods like Gauss-Seidel and similar methods. We discuss also how to parallelize the diffusion equation and show examples of applications. We discuss also the Poisson equation.

The projects are also discussed.


19.11.2013 MHJ  LFA  Partial differential equations, wave equation  We continue the discussion on the wave equation, with examples on how it can be parallelized.

We discuss also the projects. 

21-22.11.2013 HTI, ML and MHJ FV329  Project 5   
25.11.2013 MHJ  LFA  Last lectures on differential equations  We summarize what has been done in the differential equation part of the course, both ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations.  
26.11.2013 MHJ  LFA  Last lecture and summary of course  We discuss in more detail the final requirements and the syllabus (pensum) relevant for the written exam. The projects are also discussed. Thursday the 29th and Friday the 30th are the last days at the lab. The deadline for the projects is set to December 10 at noon. There are no possibilities for extensions. 
28-29.11.2013 All  FV329  Project 5   
xx.12.2013 Date not yet fixed   Final exam  Best wishes!! 
Published July 16, 2013 11:33 AM - Last modified Sep. 8, 2013 10:08 PM