Semester page for FYS3150 - Autumn 2020


Dear all, first, thx to everybody for heroic efforts with the various projects.


Since we have received several requests for an extended deadline (due to conflicts with other exams etc etc), we have extended the deadline to December 18 at midnight.

If you have already submitted, you can always update/change etc your report.

Also, this coming Tuesday we the last digital lab session at 10am to 12pm (see our previous mail).

If needed, we can always organize a one-to-one zoom session. Feel free to send an email. 


Best wishes to you all,

Morten et al

11. des. 2020 16:28

Dear all,

we hope you all are doing well and that project 5 is  evolving in the right direction.

This week as well we will have a digital lab, but we have to move it to Friday due to meeting conflicts.

We will have a digital lab from 12pm to 3pm on Friday this week. Unfortunately there is no in-person lab this week (the other teachers are either busy with own exams or other appointments).

The zoom link is the same as the one we used for the digital lab on Fridays, see below.

Furthermore, feel free to mail Morten in case you prefer a separate zoom session. If needed we can also arrange a last digital lab session next Tuesday (December 15) from 10am to 12pm. 


Best wishes to you all,

Morten et al.


p.s.1 I am lagging behind with some email answering to some of you (too many zoom meet...

9. des. 2020 22:35

Dear all, we hope you all are doing well. This is our last week, sadly!!  We hope obviously that you have enjoyed the course, it has been pleasure to get to know you, although in these covid-19 times we have lost much of the one-to-one contact which allows us to interact and discuss.

We have however been able to keep the labs open. 

Tomorrow, Thursday, due to exams for several of the group teachers, the lab 10-12 is closed, however, we keep the in-person labs 12-16 open as well as the digital lab from 16 to 18.

On Friday we have digital lab from 10-18 (use the zoom link for lab 9) as well as the in-person labs.

For the lectures tomorrow we will finish our discussion of the diffusion equation as well as Poisson's and Laplace's equations (see chapter 10 of the lecture notes).

These topics are relevant for the PDE project versions of project 5 (projects are available  at&n...

25. nov. 2020 18:40

Hi all, we hope you are ding well in these difficult times.

Here comes our weekly update with plans for this week and next week.

First, labs again, we keep the in-person labs open tomorrow and Friday. We have a digital lab tomorrow from 4pm to 6pm and keep the digital lab on Friday open from 10am to 6pm (use the link for lab 9, the digital one).


Last week we almost ended our Monte Carlo discussions. We discussed some of the statistics which is needed to better understand how we can determine that a random number generator is a good one or not. We discussed the covariance and the derived the central limit theorem (see the lecture notes section 11.2,

18. nov. 2020 17:33

Dear all, we hope you are staying healthy.

Concerning the in-person labs tomorrow and Friday we will try to keep these open, but would like to recommend that you consider wearing a face mask if possible. We should also respect proper social distancing. The digital labs will run as normal (Thursday 4-6pm and Friday 2-4pm) but if there is interest we will keep them open from 10am till 6pm both days. In case of new recommendations, we will most likely switch to digital labs for the rest of the semester (last two weeks, week 47 and 48).

We will also offer digital labs (Thursdays ) in week 49 and 50 before. 


Last week we discussed in detail project 4 but did not start  with parallelization techniques.


12. nov. 2020 06:55

Hi everybody, we hope you all are well and staying healthy!

Here comes the weekly update with ditto plans. 

First, our labs, in-person and online are all open. Hopefully we can keep all in-person labs open for the rest of the semester.


Last week we derived and discussed the Metropolis algorithm and Markov Chains (chapter 12 of the lecture notes, and we discussed the basics of project 4 on the Ising model. This is described in chapter 13 of the same lecture notes. 


This week we will spend most of the lectures (Thursday and Friday) on discussing project 4. The relevant material is found in chapter 13, in particular sections 1...

4. nov. 2020 16:26

Hi all and welcome to a new week. We hope all is well.  The most important message this week (until new information on Thursday at 12pm is received ) is that we will have our normal in-person labs this week This may change after this coming Thursday but we hope to be able to keep the in-person labs. These are essential to the course. 

Else, thanks so much for heroic efforts with project 3, they look really nice.  Congratulations to you all. We are very proud of you.


We will  most likely be able to send you feedback in approximately two weeks, in good time before project 4 is to be finalized. Note that we have changed the deadline for project 4 to November  23 due to a collision with the final exam in FYS3110 on Nov 18 (this should never have happened, exams should start from December 1). 


Project 4 is available (some minor changes may be introduced this evening however).


28. okt. 2020 15:48

Hi everybody, some good news. Tomorrow and Friday we are back to the in-person labs. We are extremely happy with this since the labs are essential to this course and we hope you find them useful. This year we have many more sessions and teachers. This allows us to interact hopefully much more with you. The digital labs are also run as usual, one tomorrow at 4pm-6pm and one on Friday at 2pm-4pm. Feel free to attend these also if you cannot come in person. This week we will try to wrap up project 3 during the labs and we hope you all are doing well.

Else, last week we ended our discussion of standard integration methods (gaussian quadrature, chapter 5 of the lecture notes) and we started with Monte carlo methods (chapter 11 of the lecture notes). Our first encounter is Monte Carlo integration and we will discuss this tomorrow (see sec...

21. okt. 2020 17:44

Dear all, we hope you all are doing well. We have had an unfortunate outbreak of covid-19 due to a party at a nearby dorm. The consequences for us is that we have to run the Thursday and Friday  lab sessions as online labs only. Next week we will most likely return to the in-person lab modality. 

We apologize for this situation, definitely beyond our control.


For the lab sessions we will use the zoom link


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Meeting ID: 966 6659 8091
Passcode: 058560






Note also that we shifted the deadline of project 3 from Oct 21 to Oct...

14. okt. 2020 13:43

Hi all, here comes the weekly digest with plans etc.

We have now started with project 3, the solar system. Last week we discussed how to model the Earth-Sun system and how to include other planets and scale the equations using appropriate units. We focused on the simple Euler-method and the velocity verlet method. The latter will be your working horse throughout the project. We discussed also the Runge-Kutta family before we started discussing how to structure the project in terms of classes. Thursday's lecture this week will thus be dedicated to this, with an emphasis on object orientation and how to structure...

7. okt. 2020 23:20