
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
15.03.2004Prof. Jan Inge Faleide? Auditorium 1 Geologibygget kl. 9:15-12:00? Seismic method - basic principles and limitations.? Lectures?
16.03.2004Prof. Jan Inge Faleide? Auditorium 2 Geologibygget kl. 9:15-12:00 ? Seismic Interpretation - basic principles and limitations.? Lectures?
18.03.2004Prof. Jan Inge Faleide ? Auditorium 2 Geologibygget kl. 9:15-12:00 ? 3D seismic reflection data - introduction.? Lectures?
19.03.2004Prof. Jan Inge Faleide? Auditorium 2 Geologibygget kl. 9:15-12:00 ? 3D seismic reflection data - structural and stratigraphic interpretation.? Lectures?
22.03.2004Prof. Jan Inge Faleide ? Auditorium 1 Geologibygget kl. 9:15-12:00 ? 3D seismic reflection data - reservoir identification and evaluation.? Lectures?
23.03.2004Prof. Jan Inge Faleide ? Auditorium 2 Geologibygget kl. 9:15-12:00 ? 3D seismic reflection data - horizon and formation attributes. Visualization.? Lectures?
23.03.2004Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof. Jan Inge Faleide ? Auditorium 2 Geologibygget kl. 14:15-16:00? Structural and stratigraphic interpretation of 2D seismic.? Exercises?
25.03.2004Prof. Jan Inge Faleide ? Auditorium 2 Geologibygget kl. 9:15-12:00 ? Geology of the Norwegian shelf and adjacent areas - integrated analysis of seismic and potential field (grav-mag) data? Lectures?
25.03.2004Dr. Michel Heeremans and Prof. Jan Inge Faleide ? Kurssalen, U37A Geologibygget, kl. 14:15-16:00? Structural and stratigraphic interpretation of 2D seismic.? Exercises?
29.03.2004Dr. Michel Heeremans ? Auditorium 1 Geologibygget kl. 9:15-12:00 ? Presentation and discussion of Case Studies (1-8).? Each student will be given a case study to be presented during the seminars in week 14. Papers (in pdf-format) and figures (PowerPoint file) can be found in Classfronter?
30.03.2004Dr. Michel Heeremans ? Auditorium 2 Geologibygget kl. 9:15-12:00 ? Presentation and discussion of Case Studies (9-16).? Seminar?
30.03.2004Dr. Michel Heeremans ? Auditorium 2 Geologibygget kl. 14:15-16:00 ? Interpretation of 2D seismic: identification of hydrocarbon traps - examples from the Norwegian continental shelf and margin.? Exercises?
01.04.2004Dr. Michel Heeremans ? Auditorium 2 Geologibygget kl. 10:15-12:00 ? Introduction to seismic interpretation in GeoFrame (Charisma)? Will be followed up by individual training/support (after Easter) ?
01.04.2004Dr. Michel Heeremans ? Kurssalen, U37A Geologibygget, kl. 14:15-16:00 ? Interpretation of regional 2D seismic lines in the northern North Sea - initial part of main exercise/project work.? Exercises ?
Published Oct. 27, 2003 4:14 PM - Last modified Mar. 30, 2004 1:07 AM