Syllabus/achievement requirements

Obligatory Literature:

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Recommended Literature:

Faleide, J.I., Bj?rlykke, K. & Gabrielsen, R.H.: "Geology of the Norwegian continental shelf" in Bj?rlykke, K.: Petroleum Geoscience: From Sedimentary Environments to Rock Physics, 2010. Springer. pp. 467-499. Fulltext.

Kjennerud, T., Faleide, J. I., Gabrielsen, R. H., Gillmore, G. K., Kyrkjeb?, R., Lippard, S. J. & L?seth, H.: "Structural restoration of Cretaceous-Cenozoic (post-rift) palaeobathymetry in the northern North Sea" in Martinsen, O. & Dreyer, T. (eds.): Sedimentary Environments Offshore Norway – Palaeozoic to Recent, 2001. Norwegian Petroleum Society, Special Publication, 10. pp. 347-364. Fulltext.

Kyrkjeb?, R., Kjennerud, T., Gillmore, G. K., Faleide, J. I. & Gabrielsen, R. H.: "Cretaceous-Tertiary palaeobathymetry in the northern North Sea; integration of palaeo-water depth estimates obtained by structural restoration and micropalaentological analysis" in Martinsen, O. & Dreyer, T. (eds.): Sedimentary Environments Offshore Norway – Palaeozoic to Recent, 2001. Norwegian Petroleum Society Special Publication, 10. pp. 321-345. Fulltext.

MacDonald, A.C. and Halland, E.K.: "Sedimentology and shale modeling of a sandstone-rich fluvial reservoir; upper Statfjord Formation, Statfjord Field, northern North Sea" in AAPG Bulletin, 1993. pp. 1016-1040. Fulltext.

MacDonald, A.C., F?lt, L.M. and Hektoen, A.L.: "Stochastic modeling of incised valley geometries" in AAPG Bulletin, 1998. pp. 1156-1172. Fulltext.

Marcussen, ?., Faleide, J.I., Jahren, J. & Bj?rlykke, K.: "Mudstone Compaction Curves in Basin Modeling: a study of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments in the northern North Sea" in Basin Research, 22, 2010. pp. 324-340. Fulltext.

N?ttvedt, A.,Berge, A.M.,Dawes, N.H.,F?rseth, R.B.,Hager, K.O.,Mangerud, G.,Puigdefabregas, C.: "Syn-rift evolution and resulting play models in the Snorre-H area, northern North Sea" in N?ttvedt, A.: Dynamics of the Norwegian margin, 2000. Geological Society of London. Special Publication, 167, pp. 179-218. Fulltext.

Reynolds, A.D.: "Dimensions of paralic sandstone bodies" in AAPG Bulletin, 83, 1999. pp. 211-229. Fulltext.

Ravnas, M., and Steel, R.J.: "Architecture of marine rift-basin successions" in AAPG Bulletin, 82, 1998. pp. 110-146. Fulltext.

Ramm, M., and Ryseth, A.E.: "Reservoir quality and burial diagenesis in the Statfjord Formation, North Sea" in Petroleum Geoscience, 2, 1996. pp. 313-324. Fulltext.

Ryseth, A.E. and Ramm, M.: "Alluvial architecture and differential subsidence in the Statfjord Formation, North Sea; prediction of reservoir potential" in Petroleum Geoscience, 2, 1996. pp. 271-287. Fulltext.

Published Aug. 21, 2018 12:42 PM - Last modified Sep. 14, 2018 9:45 AM