Good luck with your exam

Hi everyone

Both Jens and myself are finished with this courses' lectures and
tutorials. We take this opportunity to thank you for good performance and
stimulating group interactions throughout this semester at INF3280.

Please note that you are allowed to take with you into the exam all types of
course's printed material including your deliveries. Systemize your access
to this material so that you don't use too much time looking up

Our final advice to you is to stay focussed and read the questions
properly so that you understand the contents of each question. You should
only answer what is asked and try not to write many pages where you simply
go around the subject and say nothing concrete. This makes the sensors
very frustrated. If you are not sure of any question, leave it behind and
jump to the next one because the clock would be ticking and you better"
guarantee yourselves" the marks given to questions you can answer. Plan
your timing so that you have about 15 minutes at the end to review what
you have written and make last minute changes.

A very important point is to do your best to write clearly and legibly. It
is very annoying for sensors to go through many exam pages with illegible
handwriting, trying to "guess" what you have written.

Finally, both Jens and myself wish you all the best in your exam.

If you like to have a get together after the exam, please let us know.

INF3280 teachers
Jens and Hani


Published May 31, 2015 4:35 PM