Semester page for INF5790 - Spring 2013


We will meet in the Poscript room of IFI2 for all the seminars (March-May)

Feb. 19, 2013 11:06 PM

The reading list has beein updated and the literature for the March 6 seminar have been emailed to all participants. If you are enrolled in the course and have not received it , let me (Anders) know.

Feb. 19, 2013 11:04 PM

Next lecture is March 6. From that week the course runs every week until end of May. Please be prepared for a quite extensive period at that time. More info will come regarding the syllabus (literature list). All info will be given by email. THe first lecture notes' PDF slides are posted on this page.

Jan. 22, 2013 1:17 PM