About the final exam this spring III


It is now decided that the exam set for the home exam in MAT4450 will be made available in Inspera on June 12 at 09.00 am, cf. the exam web-page. Answers will have to be submitted as one PDF file in Inspera within June 19, 09.00 am. This PDF-file can consists of scanned handwritten pages, or be produced from a TeX-file or any other kind of file. If you use Word, it is important that you make the file become anonymous, as described  in these guidelines.

It is not necessary to include your candidate number or the course code in your file.  This will be done atomatically after it has  submitted in Inspera.

Published May 15, 2020 12:38 PM - Last modified May 15, 2020 12:41 PM