Semester page for ECON4120 - Autumn 2007

I will be available for your questions more or less at any time these last days before the exam. Feel free to ask.

About the exam: Remember that you are allowed to bring all books, notes, and other written or printed matter with you, and pocket calculators too. It's not a good idea to try to save paper on the exam (save your environmentalism for the Xmas shopping instead! :)) . It is so much easier to read your papers if you allow yourself to write legibly and leave some white space between your paragraphs. (If we cannot read what you have written, we assume that it is wrong!)

Dec. 3, 2007 2:04 PM

OUCH! Sorry for missing this lecture.

I will shorten down the treatment of the elasticities in order to be able to conclude on Monday.

Nov. 21, 2007 11:45 AM

I have put up a note out on term paper 2.

As for Taylor's formula, today's lecture has also covered material from FMEA pp 79--80 (MA1 pp 464--465) in addition the references given in the lecture schedule. We will conclude on Taylor's formula on Wednesday.

Nov. 19, 2007 8:28 PM