
Published Nov. 3, 2011 11:19 AM

New lecture time. The lecture scheduled for November 22 is moved to Thursday November 17 16.15 - 18 in Auditorium 7 ES. This will be the last lecture in the series.

Published Oct. 31, 2011 5:00 PM

Syllabus clarification. In Chapter 6 “Nominal Rigidity” in the Fourth Edition of Romer’s book only the first four sections (sections 6.1-6.4, pages 238-267) are on the reading list (see the document labeled “Syllabus”). These sections correspond broadly to Chapter 5 “Traditional Keynesian Models” in the Third Edition, Sections 5.1 and 5.3-5.6. The purpose of this part of the reading list is to make sure that everyone knows central concepts from standard undergraduate macroeconomics like IS-curve, AD-AS-model, Phillips curve etc and to help people compare the real business cycle approach to the Keynesian approach. Details beyond that are not required.

Published Oct. 20, 2011 1:31 PM

Conference hours From October 31 and until the end of the semester I will have conference hours every Monday 14.00-16.00 AR

Published Oct. 20, 2011 12:44 PM

Exam questions from previous years are available at the usual location . Suggested solutions are not available except for 2010 which you also find there. Because of changes in the content of the course, some early exam questions may be difficult to answer today, particularly those from 2003-2005 about pricing of land and questions related to the use of Matlab. Some exams contain a series of yes/no questions. This format will not be used in the 2010 exams.

Published Oct. 18, 2011 9:54 AM

Compendium The chapter on Investment from S?rensen and Whitta Jacobsen's book that is on the reading list is available as a compendium to be bought in Akademika. AR

Published Oct. 5, 2011 9:36 PM

Section 5.6 in the fourth edition of Romer's book (4.6 in the third edition) can be skipped.

Published Sep. 29, 2011 9:09 PM

Student contacts for this course are: Jeanette Str?m Fj?re ( and Magnus Gjems Theie (

Published Sep. 29, 2011 9:04 PM

Third time lucky? Unfortunately the correction to the syllabus contained a new error. Some sections of chapter 10 in the fourth edition of Romer's book are actually on the syllabus. It has now been corrected. Be aware that there are two items called "syllabus" on this page. Only the one you find under the heading "Lectures" has full and detailed information.

Published Sep. 28, 2011 10:56 AM

Important! Correction to the syllabus Unfortunately there has been a mix-up in the list of chapters that should be read from the fourth edition of Romer's book. The following parts of chapter 12 should be there: 12.1-12.5, 12.8-12.10. There is also a minor correction in chapter 9. The correct list for this chapter should read: 9.1-9.2,9.6, 9.9-9.10. The list of chapters from the third edition is correct. I am sorry for the mix-up and hope it has not caused too much trouble.

The syllabus that you find under "Lectures" has been updated with the correct chapter numbers. I have also made a distinction between the publications that contain the core curriculum and the supplementary articles. From the latter you are expected to extract the main points and gain increased understanding of parts of the core. AR (corrected)