

Olssen, Mark, John Codd and Anne-Marie O’Neill. 2004. Education Policy; Globalization, Citizenship & Democracy. London, Sage Publications. Chapters: 2, 5, 7 & 8. (86 pp)

Carnoy, Martin. 1999. Globalization and educational reform: What planners need to know. UNESCO-IIEP. Fundamentals of Educational Planning, 63. (73 pp).Electronically available here

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Cummings, W.K. 2003. The Institutions of Education: A Comparative Study of Educational Development in Six Nations. Part II – Foundations of Modern Education, pp 75–135. (60 pp)

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Jones, P. W. with D. Coleman. 2005. The United Nations and Education. Multilateralism, development and globalisation. Oxon: RoutledgeFalmer. (254 pp)

Mundy, K. and L. Murphy. 2001. Transnational Advocacy, Global Civil Society? Emerging Evidence from the Field of Education. Comparative Education Review 45, 1, pp. 85-126. (21 pp).Electronically available here

Rizvi, F. and B. Lingard. 2006. Globalization and the Changing Nature of the OECD’s Work. In: Lauder, H. et al. (Eds), Education, Globalization and Social Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 247-60. (13 pp)

Robertson, S. L., X. Bonal and R. Dale. 2006. Gats and the Education Service Industry: The Politics of Scale and Global Reterritorialization. In: Lauder, H. et al. (Eds), Education, Globalization and Social Change. Oxford: Oxford Unviersity Press, pp. 228-246. (14 pp)

Steiner-Khamsi, G. 2004. The Global Politics of Educational Borrowing and Lending. New York and London: Teachers College, Columbia University, pp. 1-6; pp. 188-199. (17 pp)

Published May 10, 2010 2:44 PM - Last modified May 13, 2011 2:32 PM