Guidelines regarding illness

When prevented from completing a home exam or obligatory assignment in one of IPED`s Bachelor program courses.

Here you will find the guidelines regarding illness before or during an exam held at the University.

What should I do in the case I become ill before or on the day a paper is to be submitted?

You must submit a valid medical document/doctor`s certificate as well as apply for an extension on the submission date for this exam/assignment/paper.


What constitutes a valid medical document/doctor`s certificate?

The document/certificate must specifically state that the student has been sick during the time frame of the home exam or obligatory assignment given at the University of Oslo. In addition to the start date of the sick leave period, a clean bill of health date must also be specified.

Copies of medical documents/doctor`s certificates from an employer will not be accepted.

The medical document/doctor`s certificate must be dated no later than the date of submission for the paper this applies to. It is to be hand-delivered or post marked within three days after the submission date of the paper.

How do I go about applying for an extension?

Fill out this form when applying for a new submission date.

Who should I give the medical document/doctor`s certificate and application for an extension to?
The medical document/doctor`s certificate and application form should be given to the administrative person responsible for the course or to the reception desk on the 5th floor in Helga Engs Hus (Please refer to the semester page for the course regarding information about who to contact).

How many days extension am I entitled to?

An extension regarding the submission of home exams/obligatory assignments will be granted if you have been sick up to 14 days prior to the submission deadline. You will be granted an extension based on the number of days specified in the medical document/doctor`s certificate. The extension date is calculated from the submission date or in the case you were ill after this date, from the date stating you are well again. All obligatory papers must be submitted before the end of the semester, which means that you cannot receive an extension date that exceeds this.


Special arrangements

If you have a chronic illness/affliction/ailment which prevents you from completing the home exams/assignments on time, you may apply for special arrangements.

If you are in need of special arrangements, please contact Yngvild Dahl at the beginning of the semester.

Published Oct. 4, 2018 1:33 PM - Last modified Oct. 4, 2018 1:33 PM