Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
27.11.2008This is a working schedule - some lectures are still to be confirmed? ? ? Please note that attendance is obligatory at all lectures/seminars/study visits for students enrolled on the M. Phil. SNE Programme and individual courses. ?
07.01.2009Steinar Theie/Siri Wormn?s/Denese Brittain? Wednesday HE 232 13:15-15:00? Group Meeting? Introductory meeting for MG 08/10 Spring Semester 2009 - courses SNE4200 & SNE4230?
08.01.2009Monica Dalen? Thursday HE 232 08:30-12:00 NB time? SNE4230? SNE4230 Research Methodology


12.01.2009Steinar Theie? Monday GS Group Room 1 14:15-16:00? SNE4230? Methodology Seminar - Steinar's Group?
13.01.2009Oddvar Hjulstad? Tuesday HE 364 09:15-13:00? SNE4200? SNE4200 Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Education for Learners with Disabilities

Hearing Impairment?

14.01.2009Oddvar Hjulstad? Wednesday HE 232 13:15-17:00? SNE4200? ?
15.01.2009Monica Dalen? Thursday HE 232 08:30-12:00 NB time ? SNE4230? ?
15.01.2009Siri Wormn?s? Thursday GS Group Room 2 13:15-15:00 ? SNE4230? Methodology Seminar - Siri's Group ?
19.01.2009Steinar Theie/Siri Wormn?s? Monday GS Group Room 1 09:15-16:00? SNE4230/SNE4390? Thesis Seminar 2 for MG 07/09

Both groups to attend

This seminar will now be re-scheduled due to late arrival of MG 07/09 students.?

20.01.2009Arnfinn Vonen? Tuesday HE 364 08:15-12:00 ? SNE4200? Hearing impairment

NB this lecture is now scheduled from 08:15-12.00?

21.01.2009Terje Endrerud? Wednesday HE 232 13:15-17:00 ? SNE4200? Psycho-social conditions

Lecture cancelled?

22.01.2009Monica Dalen? Thursday HE 232 08:30-12:00 NB time ? SNE4230? ?
22.01.2009Siri Wormn?s? Thursday GS Group Room 2 13:15-15:00 ? SNE4230? Methodology Seminar - Siri's Group ?
26.01.2009Steinar Theie? Monday GS Group Room 1 14:15-16:00 ? SNE4230? Methodology Seminar - Steinar's Group ?
27.01.2009Terje Endrerud / Carsten Blom Ruud? Tuesday HE 364 09:15-13:00 ? SNE4200? ?
29.01.2009? Akersgata 59, Auditorium R5 09:00-12:00? EFA-forum? You will be invited to attend the following: Launch of EFA Global Monitoring Report 2009 in Norway

See more details on Fronter?

29.01.2009Steinar Theie? Thursday HE 232 08:15-12:00 ? SNE4230? Survey

NB This lecture will be re-scheduled. Now 11 February - see teaching plan.?

29.01.2009Siri Wormn?s? Thursday GS Group Room 2 13:15-15:00 ? SNE4230? Methodology Seminar - Siri's Group ?
02.02.2009Steinar Theie? Monday GS Group Room 1 14:15-16:00 ? SNE4230? Methodology Seminar - Steinar's Group ?
03.02.2009Terje Endrerud? Tuesday HE 364 09:15-13:00 ? SNE4200? ?
04.02.2009Gunvor Wilhelmsen? Wednesday NB.11:15-15:00 HE U31 ? SNE4200? Visual Impairment?
05.02.2009Steinar Theie? Thursday HE 232 08:15-12:00 ? SNE4200? ?
05.02.2009Siri Wormn?s? Thursday GS Group Room 2 13:15-15:00 ? SNE4230? Methodology Seminar - Siri's Group ?
09.02.2009Steinar Theie? Monday GS Group Room 1 14:15-16:00 ? SNE4230? Methodology Seminar - Steinar's Group ?
10.02.2009Sol Lyster? Tuesday HE 364 09:15-13:00 ? SNE4200? Reading and Writing Disabilities?
11.02.2009Steinar Theie? Wednesday HE 231 09:15-13:00? SNE4230? Survey

This lecture replaces the one originally scheduled on Thursday 29 Jan.?

11.02.2009Sol Lyster? Wednesday HE 232 13:15-17:00 ? SNE4200? ?
12.02.2009Steinar Theie? Thursday HE 232 08:15-12:00 ? SNE4230? ?
12.02.2009Siri Wormn?s? Thursday GS Group Room 2 13:15-15:00 ? SNE4230? Methodology Seminar - Siri's Group ?
16.02.2009Steinar Theie? Monday GS Group Room 1 14:15-16:00 ? SNE4230? Methodology Seminar - Steinar's Group ?
17.02.2009Terje Endrerud? Tuesday HE 364 09:15-13:00 ? SNE4200? Just received a message to say that today's lecture is cancelled. Sorry for such short notice.?
18.02.2009Anne-Lise Rygvold? Wednesday HE 232 13:15-17:00 ? SNE4200? Language Development and Disorders?
19.02.2009Berit H Johnsen? Thursday HE 232 08:15-12:00 ? SNE4230? Observation?
20.02.2009Berit H Johnsen? Friday HE 232 08:15-12:00 ? SNE4230? ?
23.02.2009Steinar Theie? Monday GS Group Room 1 14:15-16:00 ? SNE4230? Methodology Seminar - Steinar's Group ?
24.02.2009Terje Endrerud? Tuesday HE 364 09:15-13:00 ? SNE4200? ?
24.02.2009Course leadership ST/SW/DB? Tuesday HE 364 13:15-14:00 ? ? Group meeting for MG 08/10 - all students to attend!?
26.02.2009Siri Wormn?s? Thursday GS Group Room 2 13:15-15:00 ? SNE4230? Methodology Seminar - Siri's Group ?
27.02.2009ST/SW? Friday HE 364 09:15-16:00 ? ? Thesis Seminar 2 for MG 07/09

Both groups to attend

Time and date now confirmed!??

03.03.2009Terje Endrerud? Tuesday HE 364 09:15-13:00 ? SNE4200? ?
04.03.2009Gunvor Wilhelmsen? Wednesday HE 232 13:15-17:00 ? SNE4200? ?
05.03.2009Peer M S?rensen? Thursday HE 232 09:15-12:00 (NB 3 hours)? SNE4230? Statistics?
10.03.2009Siri Wormn?s? Tuesday HE 364 09:15-13:00 ? SNE4200? Physical Disabilities

Now moved to 17 March?

10.03.2009Steinar Theie? Tuesday HE 364 13:15-14:00 ? SNE4230? Concerning thesis and guidance

Will be re-scheduled?

12.03.2009Peer M S?rensen? Thursday HE 232 09:15-12:00 (NB 3 hours) ? SNE4230? ?
17.03.2009Siri Wormn?s? Tuesday HE 364 09:15-13:00 ? SNE4200? Physical Disabilities

Re-scheduled from 10 March?

17.03.2009Anne-Lise Rygvold? Tuesday HE 364 09:15-13:00 ? SNE4200? NB Lecture moved from 25 Feb. to 17 March

New time and date for A-L Rygvold's lecture: 1 April HE U31 09:15-11:00?

18.03.2009Siri Wormn?s? Wednesday HE 232 13:15-17:00 ? SNE4200? ?
19.03.2009Peer M S?rensen? Thursday HE 232 09:15-12:00 (NB 3 hours) ? SNE4230? ?
23.03.2009DB? Monday HE 456 between 13:00-14:00? SNE4230? Deadline for handing in Research Prosopsal

Instructions for delivery of Research Proposal SNE4230


24.03.2009Gidske Holck? Tuesday HE 364 09:15-13:00 ? SNE4200? Intellectual Disabilities

Access to additional hand-outs via "Fronter"?

25.03.2009Gidske Holck? Wednesday HE 232 13:15-17:00 ? SNE4200? Lecture moved from 31 March?
26.03.2009Peer M S?rensen? Thursday HE 232 09:15-12:00 (NB 3 hours) ? SNE4230? ?
30.03.2009TE / Halvor Bergsland? Gamle Uller?l / Honerud skole? SNE4200 / Study Visit? Study visit to Gamle Uller?l / Honerud skole. Please meet at 08:30 sharp outside Helga Eng's building. See details on "Fronter".?
30.03.2009SW/ST? ? SNE4230? Approval of Research Proposal by academic course coordinators


Message now posted on Fronter?

01.04.2009Anne-Lise Rygvold? Wednesday HE U31 09:15-11:00? SNE4200 Language Development and Disorders ? This lecture has been re-scheduled (NB Two hours)?
01.04.2009Gidske Holck? Wednesday HE 232 14:30-18:30 ? SNE4200? NB Time change - lecture starts at 14:30?
02.04.2008Peer M S?rensen? Thursday HE 232 09:15-12:00 (NB 3 hours) ? SNE4230? ?
09.04.2009? ? ? Maundy Thursday - public holiday?
10.04.2009? ? ? Good Friday - public holiday ?
13.04.2009? ? ? Easter Monday - public holiday ?
14.04.2009SW/ST? ? SNE4230/SNE4390? Announcement of allocated Norwegian advisers for thesis

Now postponed until 27 April 2009?

15.04.2009Siri Wormn?s? Wednesday HE 232 13:15-17:00 ? SNE4200? Alternative Communication?
21.04.2009Gidske Holck? Tuesday HE 364 09:15-13:00 ? SNE4200? ?
27.04.2009SW/ST? ? SNE4230/SNE4390 ? Announcement of allocated Norwegian advisers for thesis?
28.04.2009? Tuesday HE 234 09:00-12:00 ? SNE4230? Written individual examination in statistics (3 hours)

Use of simple calculator permitted during exam (not on mobile 'phone)?

29.04.2009Siri Wormn?s? Wednesday HE 232 13:15-17:00 ? SNE4200? Concealed Impairments?
30.04.2009Siri Wormn?s? Thursday HE 232 08:15-12:00 ? SNE4230? Case?
01.05.2009? ? ? 1 May - public holiday?
04.05.2009ST/SW/DB? Monday GS Group room 1 13:15-14:00? SNE4200? Assignment for Term Paper SNE4200 handed out?
05.05.2009Torgeir Onstad? Tuesday HE 364 09:15-13:00 ? SNE4200? Numeracy?
07.05.2009Siri Wormn?s? Thursday HE 232 08:15-12:00 ? SNE4230? ?
19.05.2009? ? SNE4200? Lecture now moved to Wednesday 20 May?
20.05.2009Guri Nortvedt? Wednesday HE 232 13:15-17:00 ? SNE4200? Numeracy -This lecture replaces the one originally scheduled on 19 May. db?
21.05.2009? ? ? Ascension Day - public holiday?
25.05.2009? Monday HE 456 13:15-14:00? SNE4200? Term Paper SNE4200 handed in

NB 2 printed copies of term paper, one named, one un-named + one signed declaration. Candidate nos. available via your Student Web.?

26.05.2009Guri Nortvedt? Tuesday HE 364 09:15-13:00 ? SNE4200? ?
28.05.2009Kjell Skogen? Thursday HE 232 08:15-12:00 ? SNE4230? Innovation?
29.05.2009? ? SNE4230? Re-sit / postponed examination for SNE4230 (Statistics) - students concerned have been contacted db?
01.06.2009? ? ? Whit Monday - public holiday?
02.06.2009Guri Nortvedt? Tuesday HE 364 09:15-13:00 ? SNE4200? ?
04.06.2009Kjell Skogen? Thursday HE 232 08:15-12:00 ? SNE4230? ?
04.06.2009Steiar Theie/Siri Wormn?s/Denese Brittain? Thursday HE 232 13:30-15:00 ? Evaluation of first study year? Information concerning Norwegian advisers - evaluation of first study year.?
22.06.2008? ? ? Evaluation of first year of Master's Programme during week 25 or 26. Date to be confirmed. NOW MOVED TO 4 JUNE - SEE SCHEDULE ABOVE.?
22.06.2008? ? ? Departure for fieldwork in home countries for programme students from week 26?
Published Nov. 20, 2008 4:12 PM - Last modified June 3, 2009 12:38 PM