
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
09.01.2006Jon-H?kon Schultz? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4220? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society II: Soc-em. Mastery; growth and barriers?
11.01.2006Monica Dalen? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35? SNE 4230? Research Methodology Interview and observations?
12.01.2006Einar Sletmo? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1? SNE 4210? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society I: Visual capacity and barriers?
16.01.2006Jon-H?kon Schultz? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35? SNE 4230? Soc-em. Mastery; growth and barriers?
18.01.2006Monica Dalen? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35? SNE 4230? Interview and observations

Joint meeting both groups HE U35 10:15-12:00?

19.01.2006Einar Sletmo ? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1? SNE 4210? Visual capacity and barriers?
23.01.2006Berit H Johnsen? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35? SNE 4220? Soc-em. mastery; growth and barriers Study Session?
25.01.2006Liv Randi Opdal? Wednesday 09.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35? SNE 4230? Field study presentation (2004-06)?
26.01.2006Oddvar Hjulstad? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1? SNE 4210? Auditive capacity and barriers?
30.01.2006Berit H. Johnsen? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4220? Soc-em. mastery; growth and barriers?
01.02.2006Liv Randi Opdal ? Wednesday 09.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4230 ? Field study presentation (2004-06) ?
02.02.2006Oddvar Hjulstad? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1? SNE 4210? Auditive capacity and barriers?
06.02.2006Berit H. Johnsen ? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4220 ? Soc-em. mastery; growth and barriers?
07.02.2006Vetland School / Principal Marit Dalbye? Tuesday 10.00 - 14.00 Vetlandsveien 79 ? SNE 4210? Study visit to Vetland School(Hearing impairment/multiple disabilities) with Einar Sletmo ?
08.02.2006Monica Dalen and Liv Randi Opdal ? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 N.B. 09:15-13:00 HE U35? SNE 4230 ? Interview and observations

Field study presentation (2004-06)09.15-13.00 HE U35?

09.02.2006Einar Sletmo? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1 ? SNE 4210 ? Visual and hearing impairment?
13.02.2006Berit H. Johnsen ? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4220 ? Soc-em. mastery; growth and barriers ?
15.02.2006Monica Dalen? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4230 ? Interview and observations?
16.02.2006? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1? SNE 4210 ? Study session - no lecture?
20.02.2006Sol Lyster? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4220? Reading acquisition and barriers ?
22.02.2006Peer M?ller S?rensen? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4230? Introduction to statistics?
23.02.2006Anne-Lise Rygvold? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1 ? SNE 4210 ? NB Lecture cancelled due to illness - will be re-scheduled ?
27.02.2006Sol Lyster ? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4220 ? Reading acquisition and barriers?
28.02.2006Marker School, ?rje? Tuesday - whole day excursion? SNE 4210 & SNE 4220? Study visit to Marker School, ?rje with Berit H Johnsen?
01.03.2006Siri Wormn?s? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4230 ? Survey?
02.03.2006Siri Wormn?s ? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1? SNE 4210 ? Physical disabilities?
06.03.2006Torgeir Onstad? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4220? Arithmetic acquisition and barriers ?
08.03.2006Siri Wormn?s? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4230? Survey?
09.03.2006Anne-Lise Rygvold? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1 ? SNE 4210 ? NB Lecture cancelled due to illness - will be re-scheduled?
13.03.2006Torgeir Onstad? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4220 ? Arithmetic acquisition and barriers ?
15.03.2006Siri Wormn?s ? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4230? Survey ?
16.03.2006Siri Wormn?s ? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1? SNE 4210? Physical disabilities?
20.03.2006Marit Holm? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4220 ? Arithmetic acquisition and barriers ?
22.03.2006Peer M?ller S?rensen ? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4230 ? Statistics ?
23.03.2006Siri Wormn?s ? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1 ? SNE 4210 ? Alternative communication?
27.03.2006Marit Holm? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4220 ? Arithmetic acquisition and barriers ?
28.03.2006Huseby Resource Centre / Sidsel Br?ndmo? Tuesday 10.00 - 14.00 Gml. Hovseter vei 3, 0768 OSLO? SNE 4210? Study visit to Huseby National Resource Centre for Special Education of the Visually Impaired with Einar Sletmo?
29.03.2006Peer M?ller S?rensen? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4230? Statistics?
30.03.2006Siri Wormn?s? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1 ? SNE 4210? Concealed impairments?
03.04.2006Marit Holm ? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4220 ? Arithmetic acquisition and barriers ?
05.04.2006Peer M?ller S?rensen ? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4230 ? Statistics ?
06.04.2006Gidske Holck? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1 ? SNE 4210 ? Intellectual challenges?
07.04.2006Academic librarian Hilde Bjerkholt? Friday 7 April 09.00 - 12.00 GS group room 9? Library Course? NB time and place?
10.04.2006? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? ? ?
12.04.2006? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 ? ? No lectures - Easter holiday?
13.04.2006? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1 ? ? No lectures - Easter holiday?
17.04.2006? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? ? No lectures - Easter holiday ?
18.04.2006Sol Lyster (for Anne-Lise Rygvold)? Tuesday 10.15 -14.00 Room HE 232? SNE 4210? Re-scheduled lecture - Language Development and Barriers - NB time and room?
19.04.2006? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 ? ? ?
20.04.2006? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1 ? ? See 24 April ?
24.04.2006Gidske Holck? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4210? Intellectual Challenges Lecture moved to Monday 24 April?
25.04.2006Sol Lyster (for Anne-Lise Rygvold)? Tuesday 16.15 - 20.00 Room HE 232? SNE 4210? Re-scheduled lecture - Language Development and Barriers - NB time and room?
26.04.2005Liv Randi Opdal? Wednesday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 Room HE U 30 ? SNE 4230 ? Field study workshop NB time and room?
27.04.2006Gidske Holck ? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1 ? SNE 4210? Intellectual challenges ?
01.05.2006? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? ? No lectures ¨C public holiday 1 May?
03.05.2006Liv Randi Opdal ? Wednesday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 Room HE 241 ? SNE 4230 ? Field study workshop NB time and room?
04.05.2006? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1 ? ? ?
08.05.2006? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? ? ?
10.05.2006Berit H. Johnsen ? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4210, SNE 4220 & SNE 4230 ? Summaries?
11.05.2006Gidske Holck? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1 ? SNE 4210? Intellectual challenges?
15.05.2006? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? ? ?
17.05.2006? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 ? ? No lectures 17 May Norwegian Constitution Day?
18.05.2006? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1 ? ? ?
22.05.2006Berit H. Johnsen and Jon-H?kon Schultz ? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? SNE 4210? Oral group examination?
23.05.2006Berit H. Johnsen and Jon-H?kon Schultz ? Tuesday 10.15-14.00 Room HE 231? SNE 4210? Oral group examination NB time and room?
24.05.2006Berit H. Johnsen and Jon-H?kon Schultz ? Wednesday 13.15 - 17.00 Room HE U35? SNE 4210 ? Oral group examination?
29.05.2006Peer M?ller S?rensen? Monday 09.15 ¨C 15.00 PC-Room HE 236 ? SNE 4230 Statistics course SPSS? Additional course in statistics (SPSS) NB note time and place Please indicate if you wish to participate?
31.05.2006? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 ? ? ?
01.06.2006? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1 ? ? ?
05.06.2006? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? ? Whit Monday Public holiday?
07.06.2006? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 ? ? ?
08.06.2006? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1 ? ? ?
12.06.2006? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? ? ?
14.06.2006? Wednesday 13.15 ¨C 17.00 Room HE U 35 ? ? ?
15.06.2006? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1 ? SNE 4230? Deadline for delivery of portfolio assignments Deadline for delivery of thesis proposal to main adviser?
19.06.2006? Monday: whole day? SNE 4210 & SNE 4220? LEA conference?
20.06.2006? Tuesday: whole day ? SNE 4210 & SNE 4220 ? LEA conference?
21.06.2006? Wednesday: whole day ? SNE 4210 & SNE 4220 ? LEA conference ?
22.06.2006? Thursday: whole day ? SNE 4210 & SNE 4220 ? LEA conference?
26.06.2006? Monday 16.15 ¨C 20.00 Room HE U 35 ? ? ?
28.06.2006Berit H Johnsen? Wednesday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 Room HE U 30? SNE 4220 SNE 4230? Deadline for delivery of Term paper. Joint concluding workshop.NB time and room Deadline for delivery of accepted thesis proposal to portfolio?
29.06.2006? Thursday 09.15 ¨C 13.00 (14.00) Room GS Group Room 1 ? ? ?
01.07.2006? From 1 July 2006 (return January 2007)? ? Students depart for research in home countries?
Published Dec. 28, 2005 2:41 PM - Last modified May 3, 2006 11:40 AM