Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
01.01.2009This is a working schedule - some lectures are still to be confirmed? ? Welcome back to Norway!? Please note that attendance is obligatory at all lectures/seminars/study visits for students enrolled on the M. Phil. SNE Programme and individual courses. ?
12.01.2009Steinar Theie / Denese Brittain? Monday 12:15-14:00 GS Teaching Room 1? ? Welcome back to Norway!

Group meeting NB note change of time and place?

19.01.2009Steinar Theie/Siri Wormn?s? Monday 09:15-16:00 GS Group Room 1? SNE4390/SNE4230? Thesis Seminar 2

Both MG groups to attend

This seminar will now be re-scheduled due to the late arrival of MG 07/09 students.?

29.01.2009? Akersgata 59, Auditorium R5 09:00-12:00? EFA-forum? You will be invited to attend the following: Launch of EFA Global Monitoring Report 2009 in Norway

See Fronter for details?

23.02.2009Heidi Mjelve/Erling Kokkersvold? Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1 ? SNE4310? Counselling, Innovation, Support Systems and Collaboration


24.02.2009ST/SW/DB? Tuesday 11:15-13:00 HE487? SNE4390? Group meeting for MG 07/09 - guidelines for preparation of thesis etc. ?
27.02.2009Steinar Theie/Siri Wormn?s? Friday 09:15-16:00 HE 364? SNE4230/SNE4390? Thesis Seminar 2

Time and date now confirmed?

02.03.2009Heidi Mjelve/Erling Kokkersvold ? Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1? SNE4310? ?
09.03.2009Heidi Mjelve/Erling Kokkersvold ? Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1 ? SNE4310? ?
16.03.2009Heidi Mjelve/Erling Kokkersvold ? Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1 ? SNE4310? ?
23.02.2009Heidi Mjelve/Erling Kokkersvold ? Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1 ? SNE4310? ?
30.03.2009Heidi Mjelve/Erling Kokkersvold ? Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1 ? SNE4130? Coursework requirement SNE4310 Counselling - participation in practical exercises during this 6 week period.?
09.04.2009? ? ? Maundy Thursday - public holiday?
10.04.2009? ? ? Good Friday - public holiday?
13.04.2009? ? ? Easter Monday - public holiday?
16.04.2009? ? SNE4390? Deadline for delivery of thesis SNE4390 for printing

Student guaranteed completion by Graduation Ceremony date if delivered for printing by 16 April 2009.?

20.04.2009Siri Wormn?s? Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1 ? SNE4310? Support Systems and Collaboration?
22.04.2009Siri Wormn?s? Wednesday 13:15-17:00 HE 232? SNE4310? ?
27.04.2009Kejll Skogen? Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1 ? SNE4310? Innovation?
27.04.2009Course leadership? Monday 13:15-14:00 GS Group Room 1 ? SNE4310? Individual written assignment SNE4310 handed out?
01.05.2009? ? ? 1 May - public holiday?
04.05.2009Kjell Skogen? Monday 09:15-13:00 GS Group Room 1? SNE4310? ?
06.05.2009? Wednesday 10:15-11:00 HE 456? SNE4230? Deadline for delivery of all assignments in portfolio for SNE4230

For details concerning delivery of portfolio see "Fronter".?

11.05.2009? Monday 13:15-14:00 HE 456? SNE4310? Individual written assignment SNE4310 handed in.

NB two printed copies, one named, one un-named + declaration. Examination number available via StudentWeb.?

21.05.2009? ? ? Ascension Day - public holiday?
27.05.2009Steinar Theie/Siri Wormn?s/Denese Brittain? Wednesday 13:15-15:00 HE232? Master's Programme? Final evaluation of MG 07/09.?
01.06.2009? ? ? Whit Monday - public holiday

End of Programme for MG 07/09?

04.06.2009? Thursday: Admin. Building - Blindern 18:00? ? Graduation Dinner for Faculty of Education International Students -

Thursday 4 June, 2009?

16.06.2009? Faculty of Education - HE? ? Faculty of Education Graduation Ceremony Tuesday 16 June, 2009.?
Published Nov. 27, 2008 11:34 AM - Last modified May 25, 2009 2:56 PM