Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
01.01.2010This is a working schedule - please note that some lectures still have to be confirmed? ? ? Please note that attendance is obligatory at all lectures/seminars/study visits for students enrolled on the M. Phil. SNE Programme and individual courses. ?
01.01.2010? ? ? Students return to Norway during week 1/2010.?
12.01.2010SW/DB? Tuesday 12:15-14.00 HE U35? Group meeting? Introductory group meeting for final semester of M. Phil. SNE

?NB Additional group meetings will be plotted in as required.?

25.01.2010UNESCO? Monday 11:30-13:30 (for location see comments )? EFA Forum ? Launch of UNESCO Global Monitoring Report and meeting

Location: Strangersalen, Gamle Logen, Grev Wedels plass 2, 0151 OSLO ?

26.01.2010Siri Wormn?s? Tuesday 09:15-16:00 HE U35? SNE4230/SNE4390? Thesis seminar 2 for MG 08/10

Both cohorts to attend presentations?

02.02.2010Siri Wormn?s? Tuesday 09:15-16:00 HE U35 ? SNE4230/SNE4390? Thesis seminar 2 for MG 08/10

Both cohorts to attend presentations ?

17.02.2010Faculty of Education? 09:00-13:00 HE 233 (HE 236 for cand. 42)? SNE4230 (SSR3)? Individual written examination - 4 hours - SNE4230?
18.02.2010? Thursday 09:00-12:00 HE U36? Open Lecture? Guest speakers: Ragnhild Dypdahl and Eldrid Midttun. See invitation on FRONTER?
18.02.2010Siri Wormn?s? Thursday 12:30-13:30 HE 233? SNE4390 Group meeting? Use of "APA style" in thesis

NB Change of time and venue to allow participation at guest lecture (see FRONTER)?

19.02.2010? Friday 09:00-12:00 HE U36 ? Open Lecture? Guest speaker: Anders Breilid. See invitation on FRONTER?
23.02.2010Liv Lassen? Tuesday 12:15-16:00 HE U35 ? SNE4310? Counselling, Innovation, Support Systems and Collaboration


02.03.2010Liv Lassen? Tuesday 12:15-16:00 HE U35 ? SNE4310? Counselling?
09.03.2010Liv Lassen? Tuesday 12:15-16:00 HE U35 ? SNE4310? Counselling?
23.03.2010Liv Lassen? Tuesday 12:15-16:00 HE U35 ? SNE4310? Counselling?
06.04.2010Liv Lassen? Tuesday 12:15-16:00 HE U35 ? SNE4310? Counselling?
13.04.2010Liv Lassen? Tuesday 12:15-16:00 HE U35 ? SNE4310? Counselling?
14.04.2010? ? SNE4390? Thesis formalities can be checked prior to printing from 14 - 16 April. Administrative Course Coordinator.?
19.04.2010? Monday? SNE4390? Deadline for delivery of thesis SNE4390 for printing?
20.04.2010Siri Wormn?s? Tuesday 12:15-16:00 HE U35 ? SNE4310? Support Systems and Collaboration?
22.04.2010Siri Wormn?s? Thursday 08:15-12:00 HE 364? SNE4310? Support Systems and Collaboration ?
27.04.2010Jorun Buli-Holmberg? Tuesday 12:15-16:00 HE U35 ? SNE4310? Innovation?
27.04.2010Siri Wormn?s / Denese Brittain? Tuesday 16:00 HE U35 ? SNE4310? Individual written assignment handed out.?
04.05.2010Jorun Buli-Holmberg? Tuesday 12:15-16:00 HE U35 ? SNE4310? Innovation?
11.05.2010? Tuesday 13:00-14:00 HE 456? SNE4310? Individual written assignment handed in.

Please come to admin. coordinator's office between 13:00 and 14:00 ?

25.05.2010Siri Wormn?s/Steinar Theie/Denese Brittain? Tuesday 12:15-14:00 HE 232? ? Evaluation and closing session for MG 08/10 M. Phil. SNE programme now confirmed. Exchange students also welcome to attend.?
31.05.2010? ? ? End of programme for MG 08/10?
02.06.2010? Wednesday 2 June 18:00 10th floor UiO Administration building Blindern? ? Graduation Dinner for Faculty of Education International Programme Students (SNE, CIE, HE). Please confirm attendance by e-mail to admin. coordinator by 25 May.?
16.06.2010? Wednesday 16 June. Time and location to be confirmed.? ? Faculty of Education Graduation Ceremony will be held on Wednesday 16 June 2010.?
Published Oct. 14, 2009 1:22 PM - Last modified May 21, 2010 10:44 AM