Graduation celebration for UV Faculty International Students - master's programmes - Wed. 15 June

It is our pleasure to invite the 2014-2016 Cohort to  an informal celebration on Wednesday  the 15th June 2016.        

After two years of studying, it is time to say good-bye to your classmates and celebrate those that have finished! 

The celebration will begin at kl 17.00 and will be held at " Kjemikantinen" at campus. Directions will be supplied later.

Tapas and soft beverages  will be provided by the Faculty, but please inform us if you have any special dietary needs  Please confirm your attendance to Nicolai Mowinckel-Trysnes,  before the 10th of June.

Published June 8, 2016 9:53 AM - Last modified June 15, 2016 2:46 PM