UV9222 – Advanced Meta-Analysis

Course description

Course content

Together with the Department for Special Needs Education (ISP), CEMO organizes a two-day workshop on meta-analytic structural equation modeling. Associate Professor Mike W.-L. Cheung (National University of Singapore) will hold the workshop.

This course combines lectures and hands-on exercises, and builds up knowledge and skills in using advanced multilevel modeling techniques.

The two-day workshop provides an introduction to meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MASEM), an approach that unifies meta-analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM). It covers both basic and advanced techniques in conducting MASEM. Besides lectures focusing on the theory of MASEM, participants are given the opportunity to conduct MASEM in practical sessions.

Day 1: Workshop on SEM-based meta-analysis (Oct 6, 2015)

  • Introduction of meta-analysis and calculation of effect sizes
  • Univariate meta-analysis (fixed, random, and mixed effects)
  • Addressing the dependence of effect sizes: multivariate and three-level meta-analysis
  • Practical sessions using R and Mplus

Day 2: Workshop on MASEM (Oct 7, 2015)

  • Introduction of MASEM
  • Fixed-effects model (with categorical moderators as clusters)
  • Random-effects model
  • Practical sessions using R

There will also be room for individual consultation on Oct 8, 2015. Details will follow. Please contact Ronny Scherer (ronny.scherer@cemo.uio.no).


Organizer: CEMO (Centre for Educational Measurement at the University of Oslo) & Department for Special Needs Education (ISP), Faculty of Educational Sciences

Responsible: Ronny Scherer, Monica Melby-Lerv?g, Sigrid Bl?meke

Lecturer: Associate Professor Mike Cheung

Dates: 6-7 Oct 2015

Location: tba

Time: 09.00-16.00 all days

Course credits: 1 SP without documentation (at least 80% participation), 3 SP with documentation

Duration: 12 hours

Registration deadline: 21 Sep 2015

Registration: Studentweb eller Nettskjema


Cheung, M. W.-L. (2015). Meta-Analysis: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. ISBN 978-1-119-99343-8

Facts about this course

Autumn 2015
Autumn 2015
Teaching language