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MED-nytt, no. 18 – 2022

Faculty board election. Annual award ceremony.


2022 Faculty board electionsillustrasjon colourbox "board"

You can now nominate your candidate for the Faculty Board. The elections for the 01/01/2023-31/12/2026 period will take place this autumn and new representatives will be elected to the Faculty board from all employee electorates. Who will represent your voice on the board?
Deadline: Tuesday 25 October 2022 at 15:00.
Read more and submit your nominations 

Elections: Employee representatives to MED-LAMU

Two employee representatives and deputies are to be elected to the Local Working Environment Committee for the Faculty of Medicine (MED-LAMU) for the period 2023-2024. The Electoral Board needs your proposals for relevant candidates by the end of Monday 31 October. Send the proposal to 

All employees and trade unions may nominate candidates. All employees are eligible for election, including those who have been elected as safety representatives. Read more about the procedure for the election

SylwanderFrom Sweeden to UiO with Erasmus+

Research fellow Charlotte Sylwander is on exchange at the Department of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences through the Erasmus programme. The internship scheme of Erasmus+ makes it possible for doctoral scholarship holders to do an internship for anything from two weeks to up to a year at another university. Read more in Norwegian.


Closing event for students with scholarship from UiO:Life Science

Fifty students have gained work experience from a research project with a scholarship from UiO:Life Science this summer. The end of this year's summer projects was celebrated with presentations, poster exhibition and prize ceremony. Jan Magnus Aronsen, IMB, presented the new honors certificate in Life Sciences, which will be launched in 2023. Announcements for next year's scholarships will come at the turn of the year. Read more.

Innovation culture at UiO: Pharmacy students enter Oslo Science Park

The Student association for pharmaceutical innovation, ShareLab in Oslo Science Park and the Life Science Growth House at the University of Oslo have teamed up on a project that gives pharmacy students the opportunity to work on innovative projects and acquire skills that are requested by industry. Read more.

Information for employees

Management meetings

Lederforum 18 October (in Norwegian). Budget and long-term forecast - Distribution 2023 - Study cases - Research cases - News from the institutes.

Minutes from the Lederforum 4. oktober. Presentation of new centres of excellence - PhD collaborations - Research infrastructure applications - Studies-related matters - Research matters - News from the departments.

Minutes from the Lederforum on 20 September. Institutional affiliation for former temporary academic staff - Scientific equipment class II - Department news - Current award announcements – Election of the Dean - New premises for the Department of Health and Society.

Minutes from the latest Faculty Board Meeting on 17 September (in Norwegian).

University Board Meetings in 2022. Latest meeting, 18 Oktober. Next meeting, 6 Desember. The meetings are live-streamed and open to anyone who would like to attend.


  • Read about all the important application deadlines for research funding in Funding opportunities.
  • Award announcements: Keep up-to-date with the annual cycle for award announcements, which is updated on an ongoing basis.
    • Monrad-Krohns legat til fremme av neurologisk forskning. Frist: 15. januar.
  • ERC Starting Grant: The European Research Council (ERC) will soon launch the 2023 Starting Grant call. Deadline 25 October 2023.

  • ERC Synergy Grant: The ERC Synergy Grant (SyG) is for 2 - 4 PIs and their teams bringing together complementary skills in order to jointly address ambitious research problems in any field of research. Deadline: 8 November 2022.

  • UiO:Life Sciences: Academic staff, postdoctoral fellows and PhD students in life sciences at the University of Oslo are welcome to apply for funding to strengthen collaborations with international research communities. Deadline: 1 December.

  • UiO:Life Sciences: Academic employees and students at the University of Oslo are welcome to apply to University of Oslo:Life Sciences for funding to attend conferences and other open events. Successful applicants could receive up to NOK 50,000 and 50 per cent of the total amount. Closing date for applications: 1 December.

  • ERC Consolidator Grant: The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the deadline for the 2023 Consolidator Grant. Deadline 2 February 2023.

  • UiO:Life Sciences: Apply for admission to the SPARK Norway innovation programme  Do you have an idea relating to life sciences that could resolve challenges linked to human or animal health? Apply for admission to the University of Oslo:Life Sciences innovation programme, SPARK Norway, to further develop your idea into new technology, treatments or services. Deadline: 10 November

Courses and events

See the University of Oslo’s calendar for an overview of all available courses. See also courses from USIT.
Updated overview: Upcoming public defences

  • Research Council of Norway: Horizon Europe courseRegister for one or more of the free courses and webinars relating to Horizon Europe this autumn. The courses will provide you with valuable knowledge about what it takes to succeed with your application.

  • 24.– 25. oktober: The Nordic Centre Biennial Conference On ‘Ageing and global healthcare challenges, Oslo (on-site and zoom).

  • 24.– 28. oktoberOpen Access Week 2022. Our university library has created a program in collaboration with several subject libraries in Norway which can be found here.

    • The Medical library especially recommends Open Science Lunch on Thursday 27 October:  ?Enabling reuse of non-digital data – Learn about how we can increase reuse of non-digital data such as plants, fossils or organ tissues.?, which will be of interest to many in our faculty.

  • University of Oslo Library: Research data: Good research data management plays an essential role in Open Science, which is increasingly important for scholars around the globe. The University Library provides courses on key concepts as a part of the Skills Development for Research Data project.

  • University library in November:
  • Jahreprisvinnere UiO 2022UiO: Welcome to the Presentation of the 2022 Anders Jahre Awards for Medical Research at 18:00 in the University Auditorium. The Main Award for 2022 goes to our Professor at ClinMed, Harald A. Stenmark. The 2022 Young Researcher Awards go to lecturers Lars Wiuff Andersen from the University of Aarhus and Lykke Sylow from the University of Copenhagen.  Read more about the award.

    • UiO: The Jahre Lectures. The traditional Jahre lectures will take place and the audience will have the opportunity to listen to the award winners talk about their work between 10:10-13:40 that same day at the Professor’s Residence.

  • Aron visualsOctober 27, SHEtalks: What role does belief in supernatural phenomena play in the understanding of illness and the treatment sought? With postdoc Johanna Sofia Adolfsson and professor Dan Banik. Read moreSHEtalks: Conception of illness and belief in the supernatural: A threat to public health?

  • 8 November: International Staff Mobility Office (ISMO) inviterer til  velkomstfrokost for UiOs nye internasjonale forskere.  invites to a welcome breakfast for UiO's new international researchers. For all new international researchers, i.e. from PhD level and above, as well as employees and visiting researchers. The program starts with the serving of breakfast, coffee and tea, and then rector Svein St?len welcomes and gives a brief presentation of UiO as an international research institution. Furthermore, some light posts with information and an optional tour of UB follow. Read more: Registration and enrollment.

  • University of Oslo Library, November 10OA-publishing and research visibility. Keep copyrights to your own work by publishing in Open Access journals. Find out your research impact. The course gives you practical support in publishing process and making your research visible.

  • November 10, the Growth Center for Life Sciences invites to Innovation hangout #4 for academia and industry. The program includes inspirational lectures by B?rd Eker and role model lectures by Kim Lien and Imac Zambrana. There will also be matchmaking and mingling. Sign up by November 7.

  • 10 – 11 November National research conference on musculoskeletal health (MUSS conference), Hybrid conference (Gardermoen and Zoom)

  • 11 November from 17:30-19:30, Literature Building. CanCell Young Scientists are arranging a seminar on why we should be conscious of mental health in academia and which strategies we could adopt to improve the research culture for all. This seminar is open to everyone.

  • 23-24 November Free course for professors and managers in Trondheim, arranged by the School of Health Innovation:  Learn how you can increase innovation in your laboratory and build bridges between researchers and health innovators. All expenses will be covered. Deadline: First come, first served. Read more and sign up.

  • Deadline for submitting applications for assessment of PhD theses before the Christmas holidays: Applications for assessment (theses and committee proposals) must be submitted before 11 November 2022 in order for the committee to be appointed before the Christmas holidays. Applications must be complete. It will not be possible to submit a committee proposal before the deadline and then submit the thesis later (or vice versa). See overview of PhD deadlines.

  • 1 December Welcome to UiO's annual conference on education Georg Sverdrup's house is filled with exciting lectures, conversations, poster sessions and idea workshops about how we can together create even better education at UiO. Sign up! All employees and students at UiO are invited to participate.

  • 8 DecemberOslo Peace Days 2022Research into war, conflict and totalitarian states. Domus Biblioteca. How and why do we conduct research during war and ongoing conflict? Is it possible to conduct research in countries with totalitarian regimes? Field work from Doctors Without Borders, researchers from the Faculty of Medicine and an experienced foreign correspondent will take you on a journey into this challenging, unpredictable and important landscape.

Research news

You can also follow what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Ilustrasjonsbilde av helsepersonell

Helsam: Colonoscopy-screening does not prevent colorectal cancer as well as previously assumed by Mathilde Coraline Aarvold Bakke. A new Norwegian study shows that screening with the use of colonoscopy reduces the risk of bowel cancer by 18 per cent. The reduction is less than the experts had previously assumed.


illustrasjon utdeling av medisin

SERAF: A new group of patients is dying from drug overdoses, in norwegian by P?l Henrik Lillevold.
A new study shows that people who die from strong painkillers (prescription opioids) differ from people with other overdoses (such as heroin) in Norway. 


 Koen Vervaeke, Christoffer Nerland Berge og Anna ChambersIMB: Your mind wanders because your brain whispers by Cecilie Bakken H?stmark. You are sitting in a meeting at work and your mind starts to wander to another place. Suddenly, you realise that the person leading the meeting has asked you a question that you have not heard. Why does this happen?


Mann p? benkMedisinbloggen: Can an app help us understand complicated mental disorders? in Norwegian by Trine Vik Lagerberg and Thomas Bjella. Serious psychological symptoms vary over time. But how? And why? In the MinDag study, participants use an app to collect information.



MED-nytt is an internal newsletter for all employees and associates. Anyone who subscribes to MED-nytt can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by unsubscribing here. If you want to resubscribe to MED-nytt you can subscribe here. You can also catch up with news from MED on Facebook, TwitterLinkedIn and Instagram

By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published Oct. 25, 2022 12:57 PM - Last modified Aug. 1, 2023 10:58 AM