Show other calendars

How to view shared calendars or other users' calendars.

It is often useful to be able to view your colleagues' calendars. You can find out if it is likely that the person concerned is in the office, if he or she is on holiday or can join in on lunch. In OWA, you can view multiple calendars at once.

1. Right-click Other Calendars. Select open calendar from the meny displayed, and select what type of calendar you want to view.

?pne kalender

  • To view the calendar of a colleague at the University of Oslo, select From Directory, which contains the address list for all employees at the University.
  • To display a private calendar, such as the Google Calendar for a football team or the family holiday calendar, select Internet calendar.

Velg kilde

To search the UiO address book, simply start typing in the From Directory field.


View multiple calendars

When you have multiple calendars open, you can specify name and color for each calendar. You may also remove these settings again. To close the calendar, deselect it in the navigation panel. If you remove all the check marks, then your own calendar will be displayed.

Visning av flere kalendere

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Published May 2, 2021 8:09 PM - Last modified June 21, 2022 12:05 PM