Norwegian version of this page

Transcription and Subtitles in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams allows you to transcribe a Teams meetings in real-time. You may choose between live captions which are only available during the meeting, or save the transcription so that it is available as a text file after the meeting.

The meeting must be set up in advance via Outlook or the Teams calendar. The transcript does not translate the text, and you must select the spoken language in the meeting for it to work correctly. After the meeting you may download a text file as a .docx (Word) or .vtt (subtitle) file format .

If you select Live captions, the meeting is subtitled in real time, but the text is not available after the meeting. Subtitles are also available when calling someone directly in Teams.

Video demonstration of transcribing in Teams

See the text file from the demonstration

Note that if the spoken language differs from the selected language in Teams, the text output will be incorrect.


00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:00.570
<v Leon Joachim Buverud De Backer>OK.</v>

00:00:01.630 --> 00:00:02.630
<v Tiril Johansen Garshol>Is it enabled?</v>

00:00:03.700 --> 00:00:04.770
<v Leon Joachim Buverud De Backer>Yeah, it should be enabled now.</v>

00:00:05.890 --> 00:00:07.330
<v Tiril Johansen Garshol>Does it work well?</v>

00:00:08.670 --> 00:00:24.730
<v Leon Joachim Buverud De Backer>It depends. I mean, you can choose the spoken language from the meeting, which is important for it to transcribe properly as we speak English, and that's my default language on teams. It should work fine, but if I were to speak Norwegian or I would have to change the language for it to work optimally.</v>

00:00:26.270 --> 00:00:28.950
<v Tiril Johansen Garshol>Yeah. May I try something?</v>

00:00:29.710 --> 00:00:30.050
<v Leon Joachim Buverud De Backer>Yeah.</v>

00:00:30.230 --> 00:00:35.810
<v Tiril Johansen Garshol>How much wood does a woodchuck Chuck woodchuck? Would Chuck all the wood that woodchuck could Chuck?</v>

00:00:37.770 --> 00:00:38.630
<v Leon Joachim Buverud De Backer>It's quite impressive.</v>

00:00:41.720 --> 00:00:42.370
<v Tiril Johansen Garshol>Nice.</v>

00:00:42.020 --> 00:00:42.720
<v Leon Joachim Buverud De Backer>Well, thank you.</v>

00:00:44.030 --> 00:00:44.870
<v Tiril Johansen Garshol>Happy to help.</v>

00:00:45.870 --> 00:00:46.650
<v Leon Joachim Buverud De Backer>Well, take care.</v>

00:00:47.200 --> 00:00:47.750
<v Tiril Johansen Garshol>It is.</v>

How to add subtitles and transcription to a meeting


If you want to be able to download the text after the meeting you have to transcribe the meeting. Please follow the guide below on how to transcribe a meeting. If you only add subtitles you will not be able to download the text after the meeting.

  1. Click on ... for more actions.Menu button in the form of three dots at the top right hand corner of Microsoft Teams show "More actions"
  2. Find the option Turn on live captions in the list.Clicking on the menu button shows a drop-down list with multiple choices. One of the choices is "Turn on live captions"
  3. Subtitles will use your default Teams language. To change the language to the spoken language, click on ... at the top right of the subtitle frame.Subtitles have been added at the bottom of Microsoft Teams, the language may be incorrect and at the bottom right corner, top right corner of the subtitle window there is a menu button for subtitles in the form of three dots
  4. Then click on Change spoken language.By pressing the menu button you get the option of "change spoken language" above the menu button
  5. From this window you are able to change the language. Click on the current language and change it to your desired language.A language menu in visible in the middle of the Teams window. In the example the language set is "English (UK)"By clicking on the preselected language a drop-down list will appear. Here you may find "Norwegian (Norsk)" in addition to several other languages
  6. To apply the changes you need to Confirm.After the correct language is selected you need to click "Confirm" to save the changes
  7. The meeting is now captioned. The others in the meeting will need to follow the steps above to see the subtitles.Example text from the Teams meeting: "Ok la oss pr?ve ? teste den da ibsens ripsbusker og andre buskevekster"


To be able to transcribe the meeting you must set up the meeting in advance through Outlook, or via the calendar in Teams. You may use Meet Now in your Outlook calendar if you want to start the meeting immediately.

  1. Within Outlook you may choose either Meet Now or New Teams Meeting. In the Outlook calendar you have the options "Meet Now" and "New Teams Meeting" at the top
  2. Click on ... for more actions.Menu button in the form of three dots at the top right hand corner of Microsoft Teams show "More actions"
  3. Find the option Start transcription in the list.Clicking on the menu button shows a drop-down list with multiple choices. One of the choices is "Start transcription"
  4. Transcriptions will use your default Teams language. To change the language to the spoken language, click on ... at the top right of the transcription frame.Transcriptions have been added at the far right of Microsoft Teams, the language may be incorrect and at the top right corner of the transcription window there is a menu button for transcribing in the form of three dots
  5. Then click on Change spoken language.By pressing the menu button you get the option of "Change spoken language" above the menu button
  6. From this window you are able to change the language. Click on the current language and change it to your desired language.A language menu in visible in the middle of the Teams window. In the example the language set is "English (US)"By clicking on the preselected language a drop-down list will appear. Here you may find "Norwegian (Norsk)" in addition to several other languages
  7. To apply the changes you need to Confirm.After the correct language is selected you need to click "Confirm" to save the changes
  8. The meeting will now be transcribed.Example text from the Teams meeting: "Ja, det skal v?re skrudd p? n?, men det er viktig at vi snakker klart og tydelig slik at transkriberingen fungerer optimalt."

Download the file after the meeting

It is only possible to download the text if you transcribed the meeting. If you only use subtitles it is not possible to retrieve any files after the meeting.


If the meeting was created using Meet Now or New Teams Meeting within Outlook, the meeting will have its own group chat. The transcription file will be downloadable as a .docx (Word) and as a .vtt (subtitle) file in the chat tab of the group chat.In the chat window of Teams the group chat for the meeting is open with the chat tab for the group chat selected. In the chat the transcript is available under a menu in the form of three dotsBy clicking the menu button at the top right of the transcription message the ability to download the file in .docx and .vtt is shown in addition to delete the transcript

Teams calendar

The Teams calendar may be unstable. If you do not see the transcript tab for the meeting you will have to wait several hours (up to 24 hours) before the tab appears
If you open the tab and close it, it will disappear for several hours. It is therefore recommended to set up the meeting in Outlook.

The file will be saved in the Teams calendar the meeting was created in and will be accessible after the meeting has ended. Double click on the meeting in the calendar. At the top of the meeting page you will have the option to select the transcription tab. The transcription file will be downloadable as a .docx (Word) and as a .vtt (subtitle) file.
In a shared Teams calendar a demo meeting is set up the 1st of the details page of the demo meeting a tab called "Transcript is availableUnder the transcript tab part of a transcript is shown with the text "How much wood would a woodchuck Chuck if a woodchuck woodchuck would a wouodchuck woodchuck? Would a woodchuck wood, if a woodchuck would Chuck wood?"Below the tab selection there is a download button with the options to download the file as a .docx and/or .vtt file

Data Storage Guide

Microsoft 365 is approved for green and yellow data at UiO. Transcribing with  Microsoft Teams is a service included with Microsoft 365 and therefore follows the same regulations. You may read more about where it is safe to store different types of data here.??????


Note that the transcription is not always accurate and may misinterpret what is said. It is important to speak loud and clear for the software to avoid mistakes. It is also the best software UiO has tested for transcribing Norwegian.


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Published Mar. 24, 2022 8:04 AM - Last modified Oct. 17, 2023 12:54 PM