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News - Page 4

Published Feb. 7, 2024 4:04 PM

Do you know of a talented postdoctoral candidate that would like to move to Oslo and become part of your research group? Then you should explore the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow programme.  Application deadline is 11 September 2024.  

Published Jan. 19, 2024 3:06 PM

A good working environment gives better results. In February, the entire faculty will carry out the university and university college sector’s working environment and working climate survey (ARK). The survey will be sent out on Monday 12 February. Here is everything you need to know about ARK.

Published Jan. 17, 2024 9:15 AM

Happy New Year! Don’t miss important deadlines and info that will help you plan a great new semester. The faculty will gather at Domus Bibliotheca on Wednesday 17 January. Make sure you join us!

Published Jan. 16, 2024 1:41 PM

Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo wishes everyone a Happy New Year and talks about important and exciting issues facing us in 2024.

The Faculty will gather at Domus Bibliotheca

Published Dec. 21, 2023 3:24 PM

The Office of the Dean has written a brief summary of the year and would also like to wish everyone a well-deserved Christmas break. Read also:  A Christmas gift from the Medicine Blog Lene Frost Andersen appointed new Head of the National Council for Nutrition. Jan Magnus Aronsen recognised as a merited educator. Tor Inge T?nnesen awarded the Students’ Teaching Award for module 8.  

Published Dec. 21, 2023 10:55 AM

Here is Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo and the rest of the Faculty Management’s summary of 2023. They would like to thank you for your efforts this year and would like to wish all staff and students a very Merry Christmas!

Published Dec. 1, 2023 3:22 PM

Register for the faculty’s event on research and teaching in the future healthcare service. ERC grants. The King’s Medal of Merit. Research grant for serious heart disease New representative and two deputies on the faculty board.

Published Nov. 30, 2023 10:07 AM

The ERC Advanced Grant call for 2024 has some changes to previous years. The application deadline is 29 August 2024.

Published Nov. 24, 2023 11:05 AM

Update on the work on the annual plan and study on the possible co-organisation of the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Medicine. Norwegian Cancer Society allocates millions to cancer research at MED. Faculty board elections and multiple awards.