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Current matters - Page 3

Published Nov. 10, 2023 10:48 AM

Dean Hanne Harbo and Rector Svein St?len have co-authored an opinion piece on the need for more places to study medicine at the Faculty of Medicine. The University of Oslo urgently requires a new mandate from the authorities in order to resolve the societal challenge of training too few doctors.

Published Nov. 10, 2023 9:43 AM

Torsdag 9. november er det duket for utdeling av den prestisjefulle Jahreprisen i aulaen. H?r hovedprisvinner Maiken Nedergaard snakke om hjernens rengj?ringssystem p? de tradisjonsrike Jahreforelesningene. Vinner av pris for yngre forskere Marcus Buggert vil snakke om sin forskning p? immunsystemet. Meld deg p?!

Published Nov. 10, 2023 9:36 AM

Boost needed for the study of Medicine at the University of Oslo Anders Jahre Awards, 9 November: You are invited to attend the lectures and award ceremony.

Published Oct. 27, 2023 12:29 PM

Dean of Studies Eli Feiring is pleased that MED can now offer its own honours certificate at master's level. The target group is particularly motivated students. They will gain sought-after expertise that can help find solutions to sustainability issues.

Published Oct. 27, 2023 12:15 PM

Dean Hanne Harbo talks about the internal relocation process at the faculty, follow-up of what we are doing regarding building activities, follow-up of the national budget and concern for the students' mental health.

Published Oct. 27, 2023 11:03 AM

Moving and construction activities. Honors Certificate in Sustainable Health. Life management for medical students. Faculty board election.

Published Oct. 27, 2023 11:02 AM

New strategy. Welcome meetings for new employees. Honors Certificate in Sustainable Health. Life management for medical students. Faculty board election.

Published Sep. 29, 2023 9:08 AM

NorDoc gives you a unique opportunity to tailor your PhD education. Plan your participation at NorDoc’s summer school 2024 in Finland now! Make a smart career move by running for temporary employee representative in the Faculty Board election.

Published Sep. 28, 2023 3:56 PM

Fabulous research dissemination at MED. 5 years of the Medicine Blog! Read about the opportunities NorDoc gives researchers at MED. Run as a candidate for the Faculty Board! 

Published Sep. 7, 2023 10:12 AM

The opening of Campus South. New student places to study medicine. ERC awarded to Boccara. New guidelines for lab journals and the possibility of getting electronic lab journals.

Published June 20, 2023 3:15 PM

The Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation provides us with an update on the status of the Life Science Building from the perspective of the Faculty of Medicine (MED). We are now seeing the building take form and it is exciting to be part of the planning of the building in the final phase.