
Time frame

The programme will start in the morning of day 1 (Sept 18) and end in the late afternoon of day 3 (Sept 20) 


A keynote address will be given by Professor Anne Danielsen (RITMO, University of Oslo)


Beyond on-site and virtual oral and poster presentations, the symposium will offer two hands-on workshops for on-site attendees.

  • Alexander Refsum Jensenius will teach the VideoAnalysis tool, an easy to use and standalone application (Windows, OSX) extracting motion features and creating visualizations from video files;
  • Olivier Lartillot will teach the MiningSuite, an extension of the MatLab-based MIRtoolbox for music information retrieval from audio files.

Programme and Schedule

The programme of talks and posters and the schedule will be published from May 2024.


Published July 13, 2023 2:26 PM - Last modified Apr. 18, 2024 7:02 PM