Submission (closed)

Submission is closed since 29 February 2024; notifications will be sent by 22 April 2024. Below, we provide the Call for Papers and some details we had provided to guide authoring abstracts.

Call for Papers

Download the Call for Papers here (pdf).

Symposium themes

The ICTMD Study Group on Sound, Movement and the Sciences (SoMoS) aims to bring together scholars whose work combines approaches from ethnomusicology and/or ethnochoreology with those from the sciences to explore sound and movement in music and dance contexts. Here, the sciences are broadly defined, including but not limited to disciplines such as cognitive science, psychology, linguistics, computer science, statistics, mathematics, biology, physics, and medical science. 

We propose that ethnographic/anthropological and science-based approaches can complement each other, producing insights that might be difficult to otherwise achieve. For our third official symposium, we welcome proposals on any topic that aligns with the aims and themes of the Study Group, insofar as they combine ethnographic/anthropological and science-based approaches, explore issues involved in such endeavors or present reflective discussions on relevant theories and methodologies.

Abstract submission

Abstracts should be accompanied by a title as well as the name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s). The total abstract length should not exceed 2000 characters including spaces (approx. 300 words) and should be submitted through this portal:

(It is necessary to register a CMT account through this page if you do not already have one).

Guidelines for abstracts

To have the best chance of being accepted, the abstract should include the following:

  • Details of the a) ethnographic or anthropological, and b) science-based or systematic elements present in the research. Papers should include both in order to be considered suitable for presentation at this symposium, as this combination of approaches is the defining feature of the study group.
  • The research question or main argument;
  • The methodologies used;
  • The results and/or conclusions of the study/paper.

Presentation modes

The symposium will take place in hybrid format, with possible mixed sessions (some papers delivered online and others in presence of the author(s)). For remote presentations, a pre-recorded video will be requested and authors will be requested to participate (online) in the Q&A session.

Please specify in the submission the preferred presentation mode from amongst the following: oral presentation of an individual paper (20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions); panel (30 minutes x number of speakers, either 90 or 120 minutes in total, each panel member should submit an individual paper abstract); poster presentation (A1).

Published Mar. 16, 2024 1:54 PM - Last modified Mar. 16, 2024 1:55 PM