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MED-nytt, nr 16 – 2022

Hanne Flinstad Harbo won the election and takes office as the new dean at the Faculty of Medicine in January 2023.


Dekan Ivar P. GladhaugCongratulations on the election

Dean Ivar Gladhaug, on behalf of the faculty, congratulates Hanne Flinstad Harbo on her election victory. Thanks also to the election committee and the election board for a well-conducted election. It is clearly very important for university democracy that there was such good support for the election. 50% of the employees and 26% of the students voted this year. In 2010, 37% of technical/administrative staff, 47% of academic staff and 9% of students voted. When the dean's election has now been completed, the election of department heads at Helsam and Klinmed, as well as new members in all categories for the Faculty Board, is also being prepared.

Hanne Flinstad HarboHanne Flinstad Harbo elected as new dean at the Faculty of Medicine from 2023

Hanne Flinstad Harbo won the election for the position of dean at the Faculty of Medicine with 53% of the votes. She will be the faculty's first female dean.

Read the details in the announcement of the election results.
Se ogs?: Election programme for Team Flinstad Harbo.

Aksness?ther new admin manager at Klinmed

A demanding, fun and pleasant first week as head of administration is over. - As a manager, I have always been keen to see the connection between creating results and having a good working environment. We cannot do one without the other. We have to play as a team to get good results, says Astrid Aksness?ther enthusiastically.
Read more on Klinmed's website in Norwegian

School of Health Innovation:
Course for Professors and Managers open for registrationBildet kan inneholde: ansiktsuttrykk, erme, st?ende, tegnefilm, gest.

Learn how to increase innovation in your lab and bridge the gap between scientist and health innovator. Sign up for course in Trondheim 23–24 November. First come, first served. Expenses for travel and accommodation will be covered.
Read more and sign up

Samling for OperA-prosjektetKick-off for the OperA project

The EU-funded flagship project presented partners and sub-projects on 13 September. - The goal of the OperA project is to optimize the prevention and treatment of bowel cancer by developing and testing new artificial intelligence tools for colonoscopy, says project coordinator Dr. Yuichi Mori. The research consortium consists of recognized experts in gastroenterology, machine learning, cancer screening, biostatistics, disease modelling, regulatory science, and medical ethics and law.
Read more on Helsam's website.

Information for employees

Management meetings

Agenda for the Lederforum on the 20 September. Institutional affiliation of former temporary scientific staff - Scientific equipment classe II - News from the institutes - Current price announcements - Dean's election - New premises for Helsam

Minutes from the Faculty Board Meeting on 14 June

University Board Meetings in 2022. Last meeting on September 6. Upcoming meeting 18 October. The meetings are streamed and are open to anyone who wants to follow along with the treatment


  • Read about all the important application deadlines for research funding in Funding opportunities.
  • Award announcements: Keep up-to-date with the annual cycle for award announcements, which is updated on an ongoing basis.
    • Viking Olov Bj?rk's scholarship in applied biomaterial research. Frist: 30. september.
    • Dementia research prize 2023. Nomination deadline: 14 October

    • Monrad-Krohn grant for the promotion of neurological research. Deadline: 15 January.

  • ERC Starting Grant: The European Research Council (ERC) will soon launch the 2023 Starting Grant call. Deadline 25 October 2023.

  • ERC Consolidator Grant: The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the deadline for the 2023 Consolidator Grant. Deadline 2 February 2023.

  • ERC Synergy Grant: The ERC Synergy Grant (SyG) is for 2 - 4 PIs and their teams bringing together complementary skills in order to jointly address ambitious research problems in any field of research. Deadline: 8 November 2022.

  • UiO: Life Science: Call for SPARK Norway projects. Do you have an idea in the life sciences that can solve challenges related to human or animal health? Apply for admission to UiO: Life Sciences' innovation program SPARK Norway to further develop the idea for new technology, treatment or services. Deadline: 10 November

Courses and events

See the University of Oslo’s calendar for an overview of all available courses. See also courses from USIT.
Updated overview: Upcoming public defences

Research news

You can also follow what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

MedisinbloggenSeaweed and kelp: delicacy or harmful? 
by Malin Sandstad in Norwegian. Seaweed and kelp can be used for more than sushi. In the future, the algae along the Norwegian coast may become an important part of our diet. But is it something we need to watch out for?


KlinmedSerious infection in the eye can be treated more quickly than before by Elin Martine Doeland in Norwegian. Some people get a serious infection in the eye after eye surgery. The risk of going blind is high without prompt treatment. Now a new approach to diagnostics and treatment can help save your sight.


IllustrasjonsbildeSERAF: The AgeSUD project focuses on aging patients in substance abuse treatment by Julie Nybakk Kvaal in Norwegian. Aging patients are also one of the central themes at the LAR conference, which will unite research, clinical experience and user involvement in the field of addiction.


Yuichi MoriHelsam: Using AI during cancer-screening results in more recommended controls by Mathilde Coraline Aarvold Bakke. Norway has recently introduced a national screening program for bowel cancer. From this autumn, 55-year-old men and women will be offered screening in the form of stool tests or colonoscopy.


Illustrasjonsbilde av henderKlinmed: Recommends a geriatric assessment of elderly cancer patients by Julie Nybakk Kvaal in Norwegian. Elderly patients with cancer have great variation in their health and level of functioning. A holistic assessment of the patient's needs in advance of cancer treatment can provide more tailored treatment and more choices for patients.



NSSF: Men are overrepresented in the suicide statistics. This will now be studied by Silje Pileberg in Norwegian.
Middle-aged and elderly men make up about a quarter of the inhabitants of Norway, but they account for almost half of the suicides.


MED-nytt is an internal newsletter for all employees and associates. Anyone who subscribes to MED-nytt can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by unsubscribing here. If you want to resubscribe to MED-nytt you can subscribe here. You can also catch up with news from MED on Facebook, TwitterLinkedIn and Instagram

By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published Sep. 28, 2022 4:24 PM - Last modified Mar. 5, 2023 10:33 AM