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Emner innen utdanningsvitenskap (nedlagte)

Viser 1¨C181 av 181 emner
Emne Studiepoeng
EDID4002 ¨C Basic Skills in English (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDID4010 ¨C Teaching English in Secondary School (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDID4015 ¨C Basic skills in English ¨C with practice (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDID4020 ¨C Reading English (fact and fiction) (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDID4030 ¨C Assessment and testing in English as a Foreign Language (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDID4040 ¨C Literature and culture in English as a school subject (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDID4090 ¨C Masteroppgave engelskdidaktikk (60 studiepoeng) 60
EDID4115 ¨C Linguistic, cultural and literary approaches to teaching English (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDU4000 ¨C Introduction to Comparative and International Education and Introduction to Curriculum Development (20 studiepoeng) 20
EDU4010 ¨C Research methods I (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDU4011 ¨C Research Methods and Statistics (20 studiepoeng) 20
EDU4012 ¨C Research Methods and Statistics - course I (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDU4013 ¨C Research Methods - course II (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDU4020 ¨C Research methods II (5 studiepoeng) 5
EDU4021 ¨C Advanced Courses in Research Methods (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDU4030 ¨C CIE Specialisation A (20 studiepoeng) 20
EDU4040 ¨C CIE Specialisation B (20 studiepoeng) 20
EDU4050 ¨C Research Proposal Seminar (5 studiepoeng) 5
EDU4090 ¨C Thesis (45 studiepoeng) 45
EDU4100 ¨C Introduction to Comparative and International Education (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDU4110 ¨C National and International Policies and Planning on Education and Development (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDU4150 ¨C Social Science Research (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDU4200 ¨C Core Focus Areas in Comparative and International Education (20 studiepoeng) 20
EDU4201 ¨C Core Focus Areas in Comparative and International Education (15 studiepoeng) 15
EDU4211 ¨C Critical Issues in Educational Reform (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDU4220 ¨C Policies and Practice of Educational Reform (5 studiepoeng) 5
EDU4230 ¨C Higher Education and the Europe of Knowledge (5 studiepoeng) 5
EDU4250 ¨C Applied Research Methods and Statistics (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDU4251 ¨C Applied Research Methods Part I (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDU4252 ¨C Applied Research Methods Part II (5 studiepoeng) 5
EDU4300 ¨C Targeted issues in Comparative and International Education (15 studiepoeng) 15
EDU4301 ¨C Preparation for fieldwork (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDU4310 ¨C Thesis Proposal Writing and Thesis Research Seminars (5 studiepoeng) 5
EDU4350 ¨C Advanced Applied Course in Research Methods (10 studiepoeng) 10
EDU4351 ¨C Advanced Applied Research Methods (5 studiepoeng) 5
EDU4490 ¨C Thesis (30 studiepoeng) 30
EDU4491 ¨C Thesis (45 studiepoeng) 45
EDU4590 ¨C Thesis (30 studiepoeng) 30
EDUDEVA2 ¨C Education and Development II (15 studiepoeng) 15
EDUELECT ¨C Elective (15 studiepoeng) 15
EDUINTRO ¨C Introduction to Comparative and International Education (30 studiepoeng) 30
EDUPOLB2 ¨C Educational Policies and Planning II (15 studiepoeng) 15
EDUTHESIS ¨C Thesis (45 studiepoeng) 45
HEM2220 ¨C Organisation, Governance and Management of Higher Education (15 studiepoeng) 15
HEM4100 ¨C Introductory Semester Course in Higher Education (15 studiepoeng) 15
HEM4110 ¨C Introductory Semester course in Higher Education (20 studiepoeng) 20
HEM4111 ¨C Research Methods and Statistics (20 studiepoeng) 20
HEM4112 ¨C Research Methods and Statistics - course I (10 studiepoeng) 10
HEM4113 ¨C Research Methods - course II (10 studiepoeng) 10
HEM4210 ¨C History and Primary Processes of Higher Education (15 studiepoeng) 15
HEM4220 ¨C Organisation, Governance and Management of Higher Education (15 studiepoeng) 15
HEM4230 ¨C The Economic and International/Global Dimension of Higher Education (15 studiepoeng) 15
HEM4250 ¨C Thesis Proposal (5 studiepoeng) 5
HEM4311 ¨C Advanced Course in Research Methods (10 studiepoeng) 10
HEM4312 ¨C Advanced Courses in Research Methods (5 studiepoeng) 5
HEMINTRO ¨C Introductory Semester Course in Higher Education (25 studiepoeng) 25
HEMSUBSTA ¨C History and Philosophy of Higher Education (10 studiepoeng) 10
HEMSUBSTB ¨C Students and Staff in Higher Education; including teaching and learning, research, quality and ICT issues. (10 studiepoeng) 10
HEMSUBSTC ¨C Governance, Management, Administration, and Leadership of Higher Education Institutions (10 studiepoeng) 10
HEMSUBSTD ¨C Policy, Resources, and Organisation of Higher Education (10 studiepoeng) 10
HEMSUBSTE ¨C Higher Education and Work (10 studiepoeng) 10
HEMSUBSTF ¨C Globalisation, Internationalisation and the Knowledge Economy (10 studiepoeng) 10
HEMTHESIS ¨C Master Thesis (40 studiepoeng) 40
MAE4051 ¨C Selected Topics in Educational Measurement (10 studiepoeng) 10
MAE4110 ¨C Measurement Models (5 studiepoeng) 5
MAE4111 ¨C Structural Models (5 studiepoeng) 5
MAE4221 ¨C Research Seminar I: Researcher's Skills (5 studiepoeng) 5
MAE4230 ¨C Research Seminar I: Researcher's Skills (10 studiepoeng) 10
MAE4231 ¨C Research Seminar II: Researcher¡¯s Skills and Professional Communication (10 studiepoeng) 10
PED1160 ¨C Motivation, Leadership and Achievement (10 studiepoeng) 10
PED1330 ¨C The Scandinavian School Model? (10 studiepoeng) 10
PED1420 ¨C Komparativ/internasjonal pedagogikk (10 studiepoeng) 10
PED1620 ¨C Gender and Higher Education in a Comparative Perspective (10 studiepoeng) 10
PED1780 ¨C IKT og l?ring i arbeidslivet (10 studiepoeng) 10
PED2310 ¨C Flerkulturell pedagogikk (10 studiepoeng) 10
PED2330 ¨C The Nordic School Model (10 studiepoeng) 10
PED2420 ¨C Komparativ og internasjonal pedagogikk (10 studiepoeng) 10
PED2501 ¨C Learning, Creativity and Innovation (10 studiepoeng) 10
PED2620 ¨C Gender and higher education in a comparative perspective (10 studiepoeng) 10
PED2780 ¨C IKT og l?ring i arbeidslivet (10 studiepoeng) 10
PED4110 ¨C Litteraturgjennomgang og vurdering av en pedagogisk-psykologisk problemstilling (5 studiepoeng) 5
PED4550 ¨C Designbaserte metoder, medieetnografi og interaksjonsanalyse (15 studiepoeng) 15
SIE4200 ¨C Special and Inclusive Education for Learners with Special Needs (15 studiepoeng) 15
SNE4210 ¨C Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society; I (10 studiepoeng) 10
SNE4220 ¨C Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society; II (10 studiepoeng) 10
SNE4230 ¨C Research Methodology (20 studiepoeng) 20
SNE4250 ¨C Essay in Special Needs Education (10 studiepoeng) 10
SPED3010 ¨C Lese- og skrivevansker (10 studiepoeng) 10
UV9101A ¨C Basic Course in Qualitative Research Methodology. General part. (2 studiepoeng) 2
UV9101B ¨C Basic Course in Qualitative Research Methodology. Specific part. (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9112 ¨C Interaction Analysis: Methodological Perspectives on Learning and Communication (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9114 ¨C Qualitative Comparative Analysis (4 studiepoeng) 4
UV9115 ¨C Organizational Ethnography (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9117 ¨C Introduction to Social Network Analysis for Educational Researchers (2 studiepoeng) 2
UV9119 ¨C Qualitative document analyses: traditions and techniques (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9200 ¨C Innf?ringskurs i databehandling (1 studiepoeng) 1
UV9201 ¨C Basic Course in Quantitative Research Methodology (5 studiepoeng) 5
UV9211 ¨C Introduction to path-analysis and structural equation modeling (4 studiepoeng) 4
UV9214 ¨C Regression Analysis (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9215 ¨C Structural equation modeling: Longitudinal models and multi-group models (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9220 ¨C Introduction to Rasch-analysis with Rumm 2030 (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9222 ¨C Advanced Meta-Analysis (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9225 ¨C Introduction to Educational Measurement (4 studiepoeng) 4
UV9226 ¨C Introduction to Program Evaluation (4 studiepoeng) 4
UV9230 ¨C Listening to children's voices. Methodological challenges and possibilities (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9250 ¨C Equating test scores with IRT techniques (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9251 ¨C Two-level structural equation modeling (SEM) (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9254 ¨C Advanced Multilevel Modeling (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9257U ¨C Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling (1 studiepoeng) 1
UV9258 ¨C Machine Learning in Education (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9292 ¨C Measurement Models (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9294 ¨C Analysis of Large-Scale Assessment Data (4 studiepoeng) 4
UV9295 ¨C Program Evaluation (4 studiepoeng) 4
UV9299 ¨C Program Evaluation (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9321 ¨C Language development and reading disabilities (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9322 ¨C Video-based observations of caretaker-child dyads (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9323 ¨C Learning and memory systems (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9340 ¨C New approaches to research on the teaching and learning of subjects (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9341 ¨C Beginning teachers and mentoring schemes (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9342 ¨C Assessment in Education: Traditions and Trends (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9343 ¨C Government Policy, School Administrative Practice, and Teaching: Infrastructure and Practice (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9344 ¨C Institutional perspectives on the relationship between policy and practice (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9345 ¨C Inquiry dialogues, comprehension, and argumentation (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9346 ¨C Linguistic perspectives on teaching writing (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9347 ¨C What does professional learning mean for teachers and teacher educators? (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9348 ¨C Teachers¡¯ Professional Competence, Career Development and the Need for Beginning Teacher Induction (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9350 ¨C The role of morphology in Language and Literacy development (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9351 ¨C Social Processes and the Development of Language and Literacy: Substantive and Methodological Issues (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9352 ¨C Educational policy and research: transnational demands and the implications of knowledge transition (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9353 ¨C Modelling and measuring mathematical competence (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9354 ¨C Teacher evaluation/teacher appraisal (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9355 ¨C New Policy Actors and Education Policymaking (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9356 ¨C Equity-Oriented Reform Amid Standards-Based Accountability: (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9358 ¨C Developing research in teacher education (2 studiepoeng) 2
UV9359 ¨C Curriculum, Governance and Change: Between Pasts and Futures (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9360 ¨C Teachers¡¯ professional learning, development, and identity (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9361 ¨C Fostering teachers¡¯ professional growth (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9363 ¨C Developing research in teacher education (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9403 ¨C Learning Mathematics and Science through Representations (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9407 ¨C Aims of Education (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9408 ¨C Policy Analysis in Education (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9409 ¨C Hannah Arendt: Worldliness, Plurality, and Education (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9410 ¨C Institutional and Cultural Approaches to Analysing Higher Education Processes and Practices (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9411 ¨C Research traditions in the field of higher education: Key contributions and recent developments (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9414 ¨C Emerging knowledge and literacy practices in the digital age (5 studiepoeng) 5
UV9415 ¨C Young people - new contexts: Social change, education, media use and technology (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9460 ¨C Evidence-Based Assessment of Reading Comprehension (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9461 ¨C Bilingual students in early education and beyond (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9914H1 ¨C Researching Professional Learning and Development (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9914H2 ¨C Open Online Education: Research approaches to investigating organizational and learning aspects of the MOOC phenomenon (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9914H3 ¨C Well-being, Wisdom and Education (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9915H ¨C Core academic language skills: Operationalizing and assessing a pedagogically relevant construct (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9915H15 ¨C Teachers work in schools: micropolitics, collaboration and leadership as organisational working conditions (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9915V1 ¨C New literacies: Reading and learning with Internet technologies (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9916V1 ¨C Bayesian Statistics for Education Research (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9917H2 ¨C Optimizing learning opportunities for students in preschool and beyond (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9917V1 ¨C Introduction to International Assessment Databases (1 studiepoeng) 1
UV9917V2 ¨C Monte Carlo Simulations: Principles and Applications in the Social Sciences (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9917V3 ¨C Reviewing the Literature: Situating your Study in the Field (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9917V4 ¨C Micro-Analytic Methods in Large-Scale Educational Assessment (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9918V1 ¨C Collaborative use of interactive digital representations for learning (4 studiepoeng) 4
UV9918V2 ¨C Boundaries, breaches and bridges (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9918V3 ¨C Reviewing the Literature: Situating your Study in the Field (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9918V4 ¨C Researching Multilingualism in Education (2 studiepoeng) 2
UV9918V6 ¨C Introduction to R: a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9918V7 ¨C Introduction to Item Response Theory (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9918V8 ¨C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning (5 studiepoeng) 5
UV9919H1 ¨C Educationalization ¨C or: Why and how we think that education is the key solution to all kinds of problems (4 studiepoeng) 4
UV9919H3 ¨C Semiotics (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9919V1 ¨C Researching Multilingualism in Education: Methods, Analysis & Dissemination (4 studiepoeng) 4
UV9919V2 ¨C Reviewing the Literature: Situating your Study in the Field (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9919V3 ¨C The reform of education and leadership: issues for research design and practice (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9919V4 ¨C Early childhood education as a tool to offset the detrimental long-term effects of early exposure to poverty (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9920H1 ¨C Digital technologies and the changing of professional work practices, expertise and governance (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9920V1 ¨C Reviewing the Literature: Situating your Study in the Field (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9920V2 ¨C Researching Multilingualism and Multilingual Literacies in Education (4 studiepoeng) 4
UV9920V3 ¨C Eye tracking technology: A training workshop on methods for psychological and educational research (4 studiepoeng) 4
UV9920V4 ¨C Dissertation Research and Writing for Doctoral Students in the Educational Sciences (0 studiepoeng) 0
UV9921H1 ¨C Does place matter? Curricula between national policy traditions and global discourses (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9922V1 ¨C Knowledge Utilization and Transfer in Education Policy (3 studiepoeng) 3
UV9923H1 ¨C Travelling reforms, policy processes and international knowledge transfer (3 studiepoeng) 3